Chapter 37

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I was back in my memories again. So far I have identified my family members as well as my childhood friend.  I need to figure out who is behind the shadow. Even if i don't figure it out today there's always next time. I look over  to see my self in a field  and looking at the tree. I walk closer to the tree and see the shadow. It standing up and just stand for a little while. Till I see the little boy who is supposed to be me talking to the shadow. "No don't do it." I whisper to him. The boy then seems frightened and runs away from the shadow. As the shadow follows it I run behind it to. The shadow seems to catch a glimpse of me and turns around and takes out a gun. I step back and my heart starts beating and the place around me get smaller

"AND TIME!" She cuts of  I didn't get to see the shadow it seemed like it was close I would get scared and then leave. "That's was a good session what did you see?" Dr. Emma asked getting ready to put the stuff back. I needed to go back. "Wait, let me go back let me do it again." I asked. Dr. Emma laughed. "I'm sorry Wesley but I'm afraid I can't let you do that." She smiled. "Yes please let me go back I was getting somewhere I was getting close!"

She put her hand up. "Well I'm sure you were but maybe next session we will get closer." No fuck! Why isn't she listening to me I'm going to find who that shadow is I will! "Dr Emma please I'm begging let me do it one more time please I promise I won't let you down!" Dr Emma looked at me in my eyes. "No Wesley I will not allow it." This bitch! I ruffled my hair. "What the fuck I thought you want to see me progress and now that I am your telling me no?!" I yelled. Dr Emma stayed quiet it was alike she was getting off on me being angry.

"What type of sick twisted game are you playing huh?!" I slammed my hand on her desk. She still stayed quiet. That's when I had enough. "I pulled out a gun and pointed it to her head." Her eyes widened and she immediately put her hands up. "Wesl-" "shut up!" I interrupted her. "You give me that fucking bell." I was still pointing the gun. She had tears in her eyes. "Oh- ok- ok pl- please just do don't shoot I have a husban-"
"I don't give a fuck!" I yelled in her face. "Give me the fucking bell!" She got up still with her hands up and grabbed the bell of the shelf and hesitantly handed me the bell. "Now go and sit in that seat...NOW!" I said pointing the gun at her. She went and sat at the seat.

"Now you will listen to me, we will stay here as long as it take! No bathroom breaks no food breaks no nothing! Until I find who is behind that shadow, I don't give a fuck if your dying! Not one of us will leave this place until I Atleast have an idea on who the fuck killed my family! I don't care how many tries it takes you understand me!" I yell. "Yes yes ok that's fine I..I understand please just put the gun down...please!" I slowly put the gun down and move to the seat in front of her. Holding the bell. I handed her the bell she hesitantly took it.  "If you try to run I will shoot your brains out then I will find your husband and kill him...slowly." I stared at her. She nodded shaking.

I sat back and relaxed in my chair and closed my eyes. "1..2..3" she ranged the bell

I was back again but in the kitchen this time. I walked back to hear a slap it was a my parents. The little boy and girl sat down at the table eating as if nothing has happened. The setting and mood was depressing. I moved over to the kitchen. To see brown people with uniform laughing and giggling they have to be the maids. There's one old lady. "Beware of the ghost of the south!" She rocked back and forth. "Oh hush it ole crazy lady." She laughed.  She and the boy danced and laughed more. The place was filled with happiness and as soon as I blinked the whole place was on fire. I saw  the bodies burning up and the cries. The shadow was right behind me my head was beating fast once again. The shadow was coming closer.  I didn't want to die I didn't want to die but I want to find out who did this. I pushed the shadow back. Surprised that I can touch it. The shadow stumbled shocked then began running away. "Oh no you don't!"  The shadow ran up stairs  I began following it despite the flames burning my skin.  It eventually ran into my room locking the door I banged on the door using all my force chanting it open burning alive. I looked over to the window to see a little boy kneeling down outside while firefighters and police cars stood outside. I knew that was me. I continued banging on the door until I took another look and saw the shadow stand right next to him as he cried. "Shit!" I tried to run downstairs but every where was burning. I needed to get out of here or I'll die! I took a step back and  smashed into the window landing crucial on the ground. There was no way I'll survive this memory and get the answer. I couldn't move I felt my blood dripping out. As I laid there staring at the sky  and watching as they took the little away.  As I looked closely the shadow followed right  behind him.  As the house burned.  The shadow entered the car with him. And just like that I watched as all the cars drive away. Why would the shadow follow him? Does the shadow want to kill me? I don't understand? . "I haven't known you since you were born."

That's when it hit me.


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