Chapter 4

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As I sat on his bed letting him use a paper towel to clean the blood that was on the side of my lip. "Keep telling you to stop protecting me. I honestly don't know why you keep inserting yourself in my situations." He said annoyed. I frowned. Well if I'm not going to do it who else will? "I don't know maybe me?" He said reading my mind. I rolled my eyes at him. "Hey! That's rude don't roll your eyes at me." He smiled. "Why you do it all the time." I argued. "That's because I obviously do it much much better." He flipped his invisible hair.

"Anyways why did you bleed this time I thought I'm the only one who can touch you." He asked. I sat and thought for minute to be honest I really didn't know. I smiled to myself. And got up.  And turned on the radio. "Don't be cruel to a heart that's true." I sang I danced while Wesley sat. His eyes wide. As I closed my eyes and danced. I heard the music stop abruptly.  I stopped and looked at him it was Wesley.


"What are you doing?!" She yelled at me. "What are you doing?!" I yelled back. "I'm dancing for you." She said sincerely. I put my hand on my forehead and sighed. It was getting  old. "Aren't you to old for this?" I asked her. "Are you kidding the only thing that's getting old is you!" She yelled at me. This clearly made her very angry. "Come on you been playing this song for the past two years cant you play any other song?" I asked her. "No! I can't!" She stomped. We stared at each other for a while. "Well it's a little bit boring Ada." I said. "Ugh fine." Ada rolled her eyes and walked out of the room.

That's when Alfred walked in with a cast and bandages on his face. He didn't really say anything to me just walked to his bed and laid on it. That's when a knock onto the door. I walked over to the door and opened it. "Hello?" I asked. "Oh hello Wesley mr. Peterson would like to see you in his office." The nurse said. "Who the hells that?" I asked. "It's the president of this facility." Oh so the big boss wanna see me. I swear if it's about John I'll really bash his skull in. "I'll be there give me a second." The nurse nodded and left. I went out to the hallway. And nodded at the nurse he then cuffed my hands and told me to follow him.

Forgot that I'm the "silent killer" for a moment . I was lead outside and entered a truck. Just then as the car was about to drive off. I saw Ada running towards us."wait!" "Wait!" She screamed waving her hand . "Stop!" I screamed they jumped and turned around. I opened the door with both hands and let Ada in. She clunged onto me for support. "Ok go." I assured them. They looked at me like I was crazy. "Sheesh Thai is the person they want to release?" One of the men said. What was that?

They want to release finally? I will finally get to live my life? Was I ready for that? I mean I am turning 18 but sheesh now? I looked over to Ada as she was catching her breath. "It wasn't that far-" "shut it!" She pouted and turned to the window. Once I got into the building that was name CENTER. I walked in to see the same ward but cleaner and better. This must be the psych ward for rich crazy people. I'm sure they treated much better. Just then my cuffs were taken off as I approached the door. "You coming with?" I asked Ada. She shook her head fast and leaned on the side of the door. Hm this was new.

I walked in to see an old man with a nice tailored suit I'm sure he spent a pretty penny of that. And a lanky man with glasses sitting in. The chair. "Proprio come Marco" (just like Marco.) was the rich guy said. What was he saying? why was he looking at me like that? . Why did he look familiar? Should I rob him and escape? All these innocent questions were running through my mind. "Please mr Betto please sit." The guy with the glasses lead me to a seat.

"It's hunter" I corrected him.

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