Chapter 43

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When I met you, you were you were one of the sweetest boys, I have ever seen and cutest. At the time that I met all of my students I was going through a dark time. My mother and father have never given me love before I have never felt love before.  On Valentine's Day at school when you handed me a card and a flower you picked in the garden with the words I love you ms hill. It made my heart burst into nothing but happiness. That was he first time I had felt love in a while. I never though that I would of grown a liking to you my Wesley. That day that I took you to my house it was only after when you left till I realized what I have done and the sun I have committed. And that I may have ruined your life. I'm sorry that I left without you understanding why or apologizing. When I left everyday I thought about you Wesley everyday. But when I found out you were someone coming in for therapy I was more then happy I felt like this was gods way of giving me another chance!  Once you came in I tried to hide my excitement. But also at the same time was shocked to see how much you have grown up! It felt like yesterday you was a little boy writing letters to me. I am truly sorry Wesley hunter if I have contributed to the way you are now. As you ring the last bell I hope you you use your memories for good and not as a source of revenge.
~ms hill

I didn't really know what to say to this. I don't remember a ms hill, and According to me  seems like she did some unforgivable me.  Could she have been the killer? Apart of me wanted her to so badly.  I mean if she's the killer..that's doesn't make any sense- how would she cover it up so well.. I grab the bell and scratch my head and head towards the couch. I look down at the bell before closing my eyes. "Your life is about to change Wesley." I took one sigh. "For the better." I gave the bell on loud ring.


I had no idea where I was but I was back into the house again in a new yet familiar setting. I sat there and watched as the same boy who was me and small black girl who was... Ada? He turned around and flinched a little. She looked down at him smiling with her arms crossed. "Did you at least bury them?" The boy asked worried. There was a few seconds of silence till she burst out inti obnoxious laughter. "Did I bury them? No hahah what type of person am I? Bury? No! Hell no!." She was laughing more and more he has never seen her genuinely laughing it was scary. This can't be ada she never acts like this. It can't be!

You want to what I did though?" She asked. Wesley didn't answer. "Ok well I stabbed them over and over and over again. Stabbed in the head the lungs and the head. Then I tied them up and set them on fire I took the left over parts and you know what I did?" She moved closer to His ear.
"Did you like your breakfast?" She pats His hair. His eyes widened and went back to throw up. She giggled loudly "I'm kidding idiot. I just threw them in the river." She smiled. I was speechless I didn't know what to say exactly. That's when she turned to me. I tried to crawl back as best as I can. "You must be new here" she evilly smiled. "I'm Ada." There she held a knife. I quickly pushed her down on the ground and ran out of the bathroom.

That's when I found myself into another setting.
He fell back unto his bed. Until he saw Ada sitting near by it. He turned away annoyed. Ada smiled and pulled out a gun. He quickly moved back. "What the fuck!" He said. "Don't underestimate me Wesley hunter you and your family are still in my list! I will teach you a lesson!" Ada moved closer to His face. "And  the lesson has just started ." Ada smiled.

That's when he saw it. His fathers dead body My mother was covering herself with blood. "No! No! No! Please wake up!" She cried.
Wesleys face couldnt beleive it he was torn there the gun was on the desk. Did he make him kill himself? No he didn't kill himself ADA KILLED HIM!

Everything was finally coming back to me.


"I don't. Want to leave baby...not right now not right now."


"Until we meet again Wesley."


"The things your parents want is in this store."


Mrs Ruby passed due to trauma to the brain mr hunter, but I can assure you she died with her loving family surrounding her."


"That's my boy."

Ms hill

"I wanna show you something."

And most importantly


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