Chapter 22

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I have only gone through two classes and yet I was already sick and tired of it. It newer years since I went to school and I don't remember it being so fucking exhausting! It sucks the life out of me. It was time for lunch now. Which I guess was a break or a rest time for me. Ada clutched on to me as I was slowly trying to navigate where where they were having lunch.

"Do you know where your going?" She asked. What stupid ass question. I didn't want to respond because I know I would yell at her and then the girls that are literally staring  at me like they want to have me for lunch will look at me crazy and I'm not trying to go back to the ward...ever. But also I wouldn't want to fight with Ada.  Suddenly I hear footsteps urgently walking behind me. Then I feel a rap on my shoulder I turn around with Ada. Oh brother...


I sighed. Seriously what the flipping fuck does she want? I know she can't see me but yes I was glaring at her. I probably looked so stupid because I'm trying to twist my face up to show how disgusted I am with this bitch she rubbed her arm like she was nervous and looked to the side. "I realized what I said earlier was out of anger and pretty rude and I apologize." She smiled. God what even is in her teeth! They look like train tracks... anyways, I turn over to Wesley to see his reaction but he was emotionless per usual. "Well with that apology I will show you where the lunch room is follow me." She hummed. She walked I front of us and began walking as we followed. While we were walking down the hallway girls glared at her. As she was humming with her stupid head held high and he heels tapping onto the ground. I hear whispers like "bitch" "cunt." "Snottybrat." We went into the line to grab lunch in a tray. Some kids did pack they're
Own lunch which is smart just in case they try to poison you and kill you.

And honestly they were right. She only walking with Wesley because he is clearly getting a lot of girl attention here. "The lunch room is outside. Table 004 is the music lovers table 001 is the clubs captains 007 is the sports
Table 003 is usually where I sit which is the with my friends Jessica Etta  and Martha. When we looked there were plenty of other tables she forgot to mention but I'm guessing those were the "important"ones.  I scan the whole tables and the area and see the black boy eating by himself at 002. I stand  onto my tippy toes and whisper into Wesleys ear.  "002." I point. Wesley looks down at me then where I was pointing and smiles and nods. 

Wesley takes a step forward to the table but the  girl quickly stood him. "do..don't sit there!"
She adds. "Why?" Wesley furrows his eyebrows. "That's where the scholarship kids sit, no one  talks to them..." she mumbles.
I wanna punish her in the face.


Could this bitch get any more annoying.
I didn't say anything to her except. "Fuck off." I continue walking towards the table 002. I was a little disappointed she could she Ada sticking her tongue out to the girl. I walked up to  the table. "Can I sit here?" I looked down onto the guy.  Ada goes ahead and sits anyway. He looked up and  ignores me. Wow. "You the scholarship kid they're talking about?" I asked. He laughed a bit. "Why you think imma scholarship kid? Cuz I'm black?" Me and Ada both shocked looked at each other. Fuck. "No! No! God no! It's just that they were saying that you were-"

The boy shook his head. "It's fine everyone here is racist you wouldn't be the first." He said disappointed. "Look I'm not racist ok I was just given the wrong information about you." I explained. He looked up at me staring into my eyes. Almost he was searching for a lie but lucky me he didn't find any.  "Well I'm not the scholarship kid my dad a pretty popular black surgeon so Im rare I just get paired with the scholarship kid cuz I'm the only black kid."
"Not any more." Ada hums happily.

"AARONNN!!!!" A high pitch voice rang.

What the fuck was that.

"Now that's the scholarship kid." He smiled

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