Chapter 35

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People down stairs were still partying but I was tired. I have already told rosy goodnight. I walked into my room only to see Ada wiping her tears in my bed glaring at me. I don't know how many times I rolled my eyes at her but I did it again. "You can roll your eyes Wesley but nothing and I mean nothing will let me forgive you from what you did today!" She screamed. "What I did today? Oh Ada shut the fuck up your always playing victim it's never your fault huh?" I said undressing. "No i don't that's you! I dresses up for you today and you ignored me!" What the hell was she saying. "So what! You ignored me Ada for several months!"  I yelled at her face. "I Got you a cake! A cake!" She yelled. "And so?" "And so what did you get me?! Nothing! Not even a Thankyou."

"Thankyou for what?! Leaving me for months!" I laughed. "You know what why am I even surprised that your doing this all in my birthday when I'm happy you hate me being happy." "It's my birthday tooo!!" She yelled at the top her lungs. Tears rolling down hers face. Shit.  "It's my birthday too Wesley! You promised, you promised you said nothing! Would change when we came here! You said that we will still  celebrate our  birthdays together!  I can admit I have been changing but I at least remembered your birthday.
I got you something and the least you could do was say Thank you and you couldn't even do that! And to top it off I dress nice and you ignore me dancing with your friends not even acknowledging me." I feel awful not how could I forgot as long as we've been together we always celebrated our birthdays together. I didn't get her anything. Seeing Ada like this breaks my heart. I'm such an asshole how could I even make it up to her. She sit down on the bed and continues to sob. "Look Ada we've been together since I was born -" "no we haven't." She interrupts. "What?" "I haven't known you since You was born."

She hasn't? So when did she come into-  never mind. "Oh sorry  I didn't meant to forget that Ada I'm so sorry, I was so full of my self and my feelings that I forgot about your birthday as well I'm so sorry." Ada turned to me and smiled "it's fine things happen." She shrugged. "Uhm." She started. "That's rosy girl." She took a pause. Looking down. "Wh..what about her?" She turned to me with her puffy brown eyes. I know this may be random but she looks very pretty crying. "Do you love her?" She asked me. Huh? "No but why would yo-" she then looked back down that's when it hit me. "I know what we can do tonight!" I got up. She looked back up to me confused. "Let's dance tonight you still have that beautiful dress on let's dance!" She tilted her head. "Dance?" I  went over to the record and began playing her favorite song. I began dancing at first.

The best of my ability. While Ada smiled and began laughing at me. "You know I can't be found sitting all alone, if you can't come around at least please telephone." I sang. I walked over to Ada with my hand.
"May I please have this  dance with the beautiful birthday girl?" I could see her blush. Man she was so beautiful. She nodded like a child. "Don't be cruel to a heart that's true." I sang dancing with her.

With my hand on her waist.  And the other holder hers. "Baby if I made you mad something I might of have said please let for the past the future looks bright ahead." We danced. "Dont be cruel Wesleys heart is true." I bent her over in my arms making  her giggle. "Sing it baybeh" I smiled. "I don't want no other love honey it's just you I'm thinking of." She sang. How could i forget that sweet beautiful voice she sang to me everyday in the ward.  She held my hand and began swaying her hips sensually. My goodness I was so blind " Let's walk up to the preacher and let us say I do."  She sang I brought my face closer to hers. "And then you'll know you have me." We stared into eachothers eyes. She came even closer and sang. "And I'll know that I have you." I brought her into a passionate kiss." I'm which he kiss tasted sweet and lovely.


He gripped my thigh firmly causing me to flinch a little. I started to touch his hair with my hands. It been a while since I felt it. After I was touching his hair I rested my hands onto his chest as I felt his hands slow find themselves to my ass. He then began to unzip  my dress off.  Letting him see basically all of  me except  my underwear. Wesley continued to kiss me as I tilted my head letting him kiss my neck. We were slowing making our way to  the bed.  As he gracefully lied me down. Wesley unbuckled his belt and  and fumbled with the zipper on his pants. Before he pull it off of his legs. I tilt my head in confusion. I notice Wesley catches it and frowns. "What?" "Why is it pink?" He pauses for a moment. "Uhhhhh, shut the fuck up ada." He laughs. He kissed my lips once again and the. traces kisses down my neck and breast. He keeps going
Down until he reaches the top of my underwear.

I let out a small gasp. He looks up at me with loving eyes and I looks down and smile as he smiles as well. he pulls it downward. My hands immediately go to my eyes covering them. "Don't do that." I hear him say he slowly takes my hands and puts them down. "Your to beautiful to be hiding." He kissing my forehead. He takes his finger and presses it against my folds. I let out another gasp but this one is louder. Wesley looks up concerned. As his finger enters deeper. "Are you ok baby?" I nod. Knowing damn well I'm practically dying if I was dead already. 

Wesley takes his finger out and taste them and smiles to himself. What.the.fuck!  Then my hands grips his hair tightly as moves his head closer in between my legs as his tongue moves inside me.  I gasping and screaming even louder. I feel him press even deeper and faster. "We...Wes..Wes." I say. Wesley then stops and looks up giggling like a child as I glare at him. "If I didn't love you I would of kicked you in the face. I spat. "Good thing you love me." He smiled.  "Well no-" before I could even finish's Wesley takes my left breast in his mouth." I gasp again. "Damn I must be good you keep moaning." He chuckles. Did he say Morning or moaning? It's not gasping? "Did you say morning or moaning?" Wesley laughs out loud. "It's moaning Ada gosh you can be so damn cute sometimes." He says caressing my cheek.  Wesley then stops and grabs his pink weapon and positions it at my entrance.

He leans toward me while we're face to face and starts kissing me again. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you too" he pushes inside of me feeling his whole length. We both let out a moan. Into each-other's mouth. I let out another loud moan as he picks up speed. A warm feeling began to spread through my body increasing and increasing as he goes deeper and deeper. That's when he began speaking again. "Come over here and love me." He smiled. "You know what I wanted you to say." I  struggled saying. "Don't be cruel to a heart that true." We both whispered. "Why should we be apart I really love you baby cross my heart." We kissed eachother once again.

I feel her practically shatter underneath me as she orgasms I widens my eyes. Never seen a girl do that before. She moans my name loudly as she grips my arms tightly. Once she get off her high I kiss her all over to calm her. That's when I felt my own high I release. We both are now breathing heavy and I'm the only one that's sweating which makes sense. I lay down beside her and we both look at the ceiling holding eachother hands. "Round 2?" She turns to me and smiles. "Fuck off" I laugh and pull her in. "Goodnight bitch." "Goodnight dickhead." We closed our eyes as we cuddled together.

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