Chapter 29

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"You don't seriously need a whole pizza to take home Wesley." Rachel said crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. "I'm with crazy girl on this one Wes." Aaron nodded. "Yes the fuck I do do you see what they are feeding me in that hell hole." I protested yes it's true I am practically stick and bones... "oh palease Wesley you'll survive look at those muscles." She smiled. Muscles my ass my stomach is empty. But not for long when I take a bite of this well made pizza. My craving will all come to a stop. That's when I heard a loud yell. "Wesley!" I turned around quickly. "Ada?!" But once I turned and yelled there was no one there. I sighed. "Man you've got to stop doing that that's the fourth time today!" Aaron held up four fingers. "Who's this Ada girl your girrrlfriend." Rachel skipped next
To me.

"It's no one drop it." I grunted. "Hmm are you lying." She teased fixing her glasses. "Hey chill Rae it could be an ex or something." Aaron shrugged. "I said drop it!" I snapped. Aaron and Rachel both paused where they were walking. It was very quiet for a second they're mouths both wide open. "Definitely an ex." "Yea definitely." They both low high fived each other and kept walking in front of me. I couldn't help but to
Furrows my eyebrows in confusion then smiled at how
Silly they were. To be honest it's been months and I really haven't seen Ada much lately I'm to tired to talk to her at night but by the time I wake up she s already gone. I miss her...a lot. If I do see her I'll make sure to give her a huge hug. I have therapy today the sessions have been going good each traumatic memory getting closer and closer.

Last memory I gained was me in front of a burning cross. And setting a black man free from people in bed sheets. It was weird and distasteful.

I can't show my face to him. If he forget what I look like he won't be able to recognize me as the killer who murdered his whole family... well it sounds horrible when you think of it like that. But I was protecting Wesley ok? I was...
"Mama! Mama! Mama!" A voice was ringing through the halls of the mansion. It was that girl who acted as
If she was still a child. "Yes rosy baby oh, vaya." She said. I walked toward the kitchen . "Look look papi he sent a letter!" "Your lying, de ninguna manera dios mio!" They both began jumping around. Happy as they can be.

I rolled around with my legs crossed like a
Little child in the corner as the ship moves, lost in my own world. I looked over to see my sister, best friend doing the same. The same time she also made contact with me. She stopped and walked over to me. Her wet fingers interlocking with mine. "Don't worry adamma uncle and mama will write letters to us. For now we just have each other. You have me?" Bahati stuck her pinky out and smiled. "I have you." I smiled too. We never got one letter...

A tear falling down from face. That's when I heard a slam from the door. And footsteps that I only know the sound of. "Ada!" He yelled behind me smiling wide. Uh oh. I didn't waste time instead I ran away from
Him. "Wait where you going! I haven't seen you all day-" he began chasing me.. I sneaked inside the bathroom and slammed the door and locked it. "Adamma what the fuck!" He whined. "Go away?" I suggested. "Why are you acting like this?"

He banged. "Acting like what dear Wesley?" I said nervously.
"Acting like this! Avoiding me!" He said. "No no
I'm not avoiding you I'm just..sick." I chuckled.
"Sick? ...sick how?" He asked. "I'm.. im on the uhm thing that women go on." Nice save Ada! "What thing?" He asked. "The thing where like my vagina is bleeding Wesley, so uhm stay away if you don't want cooties Wesley don't say I didn't warned ya."
"Adamma your a fucking ghost!" Like that has anything to do with it hmph! "Fuck this!" Wesley kicked the door and walked away.

I sighed

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