Chapter 15

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"You knew him?" I turned to her. She quickly shook her head no. Ada continued to walked down the hallway. I followed behind her. That's when we heard rumble bickering of two male voice going back and forth one with a thicker accent of course.

"You really want a murderer in your home and company?!" The male voice yelled. Even though you can hear a little bit out of my curiosity I turned to Wesley and signaled him to be quiet. Then I put my ear to the door. "Luca please! That is not! How you treat your cousin !" The man with the accent argued. "My cousin!? No I refuse to mingle with a serial killer! A literal psycho!" He shouted. Wow what a asshole. "Your making a huge mistake! Think about your company!" The man shouted. "You don't think I know that Luca! Family is more important than anything! I just can't understand why you of all people would be so bitter about this! You used to love  marco." The man said sincerely. You can tell there was sadness in his voice.

"Marco, your son betrayed us he left us he chose to not be a betto, why you stood by and let that happened is beyond me." Just then I heard footsteps coming from the room. I backed up as well as Wesley. The man opened the door he stared at Wesley who was taller then him by an inch. Then closed the door behind him. He smiled maliciously and sized Wesley up. "Speak of the devil...literally." Wow I don't like this man at all. Wesley frowned and looked at him. He  had piercing green eyes and jet black hair that was slicked to the back and a collared shirt and dress pants and a smell to him that was far to strong.  "Your Marcos son huh?" He asked. I looked over to Wesley our eyes met. Wesley didn't answer. "Quiet? Not surprised they're always quiet that's how they get you." That's it! As I was going to teach the man a lesson. Wesley cleared his throat loudly. I looked back at him with wide eyes.

Wesley shook his head no a little bit. I frowned.   Wesleys eyes shifted to the side. Oh my god this boy wants me to leave. How dar- you know what fine. I began walking away I don't need this anyway. I'm going to look at Jose.


"Is there something wrong. Assassino" (killer). I didn't even have to understand what he was saying I knew he just called me a killer. "What do you want why are you bothering me." I grunted out. "Oh he speaks!" The man taunted.
"You listen up here you spoiled twisted brat. Ever since my cousin your ingrate of a father left I worked my ass off to try to get co ceo of this company and now all of it is shattered because you came! We thought you were dead! I thought you were dead! I even did my own research so how your alive I have no fucking clue." Ohhh so this is what it's all about. Ha! He's mad because I'm the next in line to get this stupid company.

I walked towards him and put my arm around his shoulder, I cleared my throat.   "i can't wait to see my future office! I mean think about it C.E.O Wesley betto/hunter a.k.a silent killer." I smiled to him. He glared at me and pushed me
Away. "Stay out of my way." He said walking away but then he stopped and turn to me. "Oh yea don't even think about going all psycho on me. I got a pistol of my own and I won't hesitate shooting you right in the head." He smiled and walked away. What an asshole. Damn why are people so mean to killers what did they do? Anyways. I knocked onto the wooden door.

"Come in!" The voice called. I opened it and walked in seeing him smiling and folding his hands. "Ah piacere di vederti figlio mio" (ah nice to see you my son.) he said behind the desk.
"I have no idea what you just said I only speak English." I shrugged. He looked disappointed a little. "It's ok we speak Italian a lot around here you pick it up sooner or later." He waved his hand.

Yea right.

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