Domestic Violence

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They reached the hospital in half an hour and Mew took Gulf to ER. Doctor in charge disinfected the wound and bandaged the cuts. He asked Mew to step out for a moment.

He addressed Gulf, "Are you feeling dizzy? "

"No, doctor. I'm fine now. Just a slight pain."

"Okay, injuries aren't that serious but you need to make sure they don't get infected. So I'm sure this must be hard for you but I need to ask. "

Gulf was confused, "What? "

"Is your husband abusing you?"

"He's not my husband."

"Oh sorry. Is your boyfriend using violence against you? You don't have to afraid."

"What? No. You have got it wrong."

"I know you must be scared but you don't have to be. We will help you."

"It's not like that. You misunderstood."

"How did you get hurt? "

"I slipped and fell." Gulf could make out from the expression on doctor's face that he didn't believe him.

"That's classic excuse in almost all domestic violence cases."

"Well, that may be true but it's not the case here. The guy outside is-" Gulf wasn't sure how should he introduce Mew. Should he say he was his boyfriend? But they had no need to pretend here, did they? Maybe if he said Mew was a friend doctor wouldn't suspect him.

"He's my friend. We were shopping in mall. I stumbled and fell. That's it."

"You may be scared of him but you don't have to be. You need to get out of this relationship where there's only pain. "

"Look Dr-" He read the name on the batch on his lab coat, "Dr.Pha, I understand what you mean but trust me I'm not being abused by him or anyone. I'm completely okay. I wasn't careful and fell. That's all."

"If you say so. Still take this card. It's for domestic violence victims shelter. If you ever need it. I hope you won't."

"Sure." Gulf smiled taking the card.

Gulf came out of the ER and saw Mew waiting for him.

"Is everything okay?  Why were you taking so long? Are the injuries serious? "

"I'm okay. Injuries aren't serious. Relax Mew."

"I'm sorry."

"If you apologize pne more time, I'm going to hit you. "

"Okay. Let's go. You must be starving."

"Yeah, we had to go to dinner tonight."

"Forget about it. You need to rest. I'm taking you home. I'll cook for you."

"You don't have to, Mew. Don't feel guilty."

"Should I book a VIP room in hospital till you heal? "

"Seriously Mew, you are too much." Gulf couldn't stop the smile from gracing his lips. Mew was so caring and attentive it was a heady experience.

"Do you want me to hire a private nurse for you? I think that would be better."


"Yes? "

"Let's go home and eat your cooking."

"But what about nur-"

"Whoever is going to marry you will get very lucky."

"Huh? "

"I'm fine so let's just go home and no private nurse."

Mew took Gulf back to his apartment and started taking out shopping bags from the car while Gulf went to change. Gulf's wallet was in the car and Mew picked it up when a card fell from it. It was for domestic violence victims.

Mew felt his heart stop beating. Was someone abusing Gulf? Did someone beat him? Who would do that? Was Gulf in an abusive relationship? But Gulf was with him right now. Maybe one of his ex was violent. Was he still abusing Gulf? And was it only to the extent of beating him? What if he was being molested too?

Was it his father? There are many cases of family being abusive. Parents are physically violent towards their children too. He has never met his parents. Gulf never talks about them either. He seemed quite scared when he talked about his family getting to know about their relationship. Was he still going through it? Should he ask Gulf? Would he even admit to it? Most victims denied it completely.

He can't just sit and not do anything. He has to help Gulf. No matter who the person is, Mew would make sure he suffered. Even if Gulf won't tell him, he will find out by using any means. He would kill the culprit when he found who it is.

Gulf was such a kind and sweet person. How could anyone even think of hurting let alone actually do it? Gulf must have been suffering so much and he was selfish enough to ask him to fake date him. How utterly cruel of him. He will never forgive himself for being oblivious to Gulf's pain. He had even proposed to Mew, maybe it was his cry for help and what Mew had done? Rejected him so brutally. How will he ever atone for this?

"Mew, what are you doing there? Come inside. I'm hungry."

"I'm coming Gulf." Mew placed the card back inside the wallet and went to the kitchen to make dinner. Entire time his mind was on Gulf.

"I love your cooking, Mew. It always tastes so delicious no matter what you cook. " Gulf was happily munching on his food unaware of turmoil Mew was in.

"Gulf, are you really okay? You aren't just faking it, right? "

"I'm completely okay. Don't worry. You worry too much."

"Everything is okay at home? " Mew asked gingerly carefully observing his reaction.

"Yeah, why are you asking? "

"Just curious."

"Gulf we never talked about our love life. We have no classes tomorrow. Let's spend some time talking."


"So tell me about your ex boyfriends."

"You want to know about my exes? "

"Yes. How were they? Their personality and behavior? Were they kind type? Or you know aggressive? "

"Why are you interested in my love life? "

"I thought we should know that. We are friends. Were they patient or short tempered? "

Gulf wasn't sure what was Mew trying to do. It was such a random request. Why was he so interested in his exes?

"Were they normal? "

"What sort of question is that, Mew?  Of course they were normal."

"Maybe they had anger management issues? "

"Are you insulting them?"

"No. Of course not. Any psychopaths?"

"Gosh Mew, do you think I was dating crazy people or what. You are weird."

Mew wasn't sure how should he ask Gulf. He didn't want to shock him by blurting it out thoughtlessly but he didn't know how else could he ask him.

"Forget it. You should sleep now. You look tired. I'll meet you tomorrow. Good night."

"Good night, Mew. Drive safely."

Mew left for his home but he was feeling uneasy leaving Gulf by himself. Did it trigger his trauma when Mew pulled him back like that in parking lot? It must have startled him. Did he think Mew would hit him? That thought kinda killed him a little.

Mew had never known anyone going through such stuff so he wasn't sure what should he do. All he knew was from books and movies. And it wasn't enough. He needed to get professional help. He was going to shower Gulf with lots of care and support. Gulf needs him and Mew was going to be there for him no matter what.

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