Healing in Silence

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Gulf was sick for a week. He hardly ate anything and didn't leave his apartment even once. Tine was worried as hell. He didn't know what had happened because Gulf wouldn't tell him anything. He knew it had to do with Mew. He tries to help Gulf but he wouldn't let him.

Tine went to his apartment and opened the door with the key Gulf had given him earlier. The entire the apartment was a mess. Gulf hadn't cleaned for a while. He went to his bedroom and Gulf looked so sick. He was lying on bed staring at the ceiling.

"Gulf, are you okay? What's wrong? What happened? Tell me please. I'm scared for you."

Gulf didn't say anything. He just continued staring. He tried to get up but ended up falling. Tine quickly grabbed his shoulder and steadied him.

"Let's go to hospital."

"No." Gulf croaked.

"Do you want me to call your parents? Listen to me if you don't want them to come here."

Gulf slowly pushed himself from the bed and Tine took him to hospital. He was quite weak and dehydrated. He stayed in hospital for a day and was discharged next day. Tine stayed with Gulf for few days. He made sure Gulf at time and drank plenty of water. He tries to make him go out and get fresh air. Gulf protested a lot but Tine wouldn't budge.

Little by little Gulf was getting better. He hasn't smiled even once and that made Tine worried. Gulf's smile could light up the entire room and he was missing it a lot.

Tine wanted to ask what had happened but knew it wasn't the right time yet. He hasn't talked to Sarawat after that night and he had no desire to do so anymore. The way he had insulted Gulf's love for Mew, Tine could never be with someone who would be so rude to his best friend.

"Tine, what should I do? "

"Whatever you want to Gulf. I'm right beside you."

"How could he be so cruel? That's what I don't understand. Him not loving me is understandable. But how can someone care for you one day and decide to throw you away the next day? Is it that easy for people to break bonds?"

"Gulf, some people aren't meant to care for anyone other than themselves. You can try to think of hundred reasons to justify their actions but you can't escape the simple truth that they left when they didn't need you anymore."

"He was so kind to me, Tine that I never thought he could be so cruel. I blame myself. "

"Gulf, don't-"

"Not like that. I don't think I did anything wrong to make him leave. It wasn't my fault. I blame myself for trusting too much and jumping into this without thinking at all. I had known he wasn't into me, I shouldn't have agreed for fake dating. It was a stupid decision."

"Yes, it was. But still you did your best. What actually happened Gulf? "

Gulf told him everything.

"I don't understand what was the deal with this Jimin guy. Why did he talk to us? He's fishy. More than that Mew said Jimin didn't tell him anything so why was he angry with you out of blue?"

"I don't get it."

"Gulf, let's forget him. Why did he do that, what was he thinking, let's forget it all. It's of no use. Why waste any more time and emotions on him? "

"Yeah, no matter what the reason he should have at least asked me what was going on. "

"It's his loss. He looks like potato."

Gulf laughed at that and it warmed Tine's heart. Seeing that smile was enough to make his day.

They got dressed and went to restaurant to cheer up themselves. Tine had made reservation in advance. Gulf and Tine made way to their table and saw Mew sitting with Eva at next table. Just their misfortune.

Gulf tensed immediately and Tine asked, "Should we go somewhere else? "

"No, why should we leave? Let's enjoy our evening."

Eva saw them and greeted them in fake sweet voice, "Oh hello Gulf, nice seeing you here. Are you here with your new boyfriend? "

"He's my best friend."

"If you say so. I'm surprised to see you here. "


"It's such an extensive restaurant you see. Can you afford it? "

Tine was furious as hell, "Look here plastic, Gulf is-"

"Let it go, Tine. Let's not spoil our mood because of trash bag." Gulf replied in calm voice.

Mew turned towards him, "Have some manners, Gulf. Don't be a brat. She's older than you. Show some respect."

"Respect is not deamanded but earned. And age has nothing to do with it. She needs to give respect in order to receive it."

"Look Gulf I don't want to create a scene but-"

"Then stop talking. You are making me lose my appetite."

Mew was shocked at the way Gulf was talking to him. He had always been polite to him and now he was being unbelievably rude that too in public place.

Mew addressed Eva, "Let's go. I don't feel like eating."

Gulf and Tine continued enjoying their food while smiling and laughing in middle. Gulf felt free at that moment. Facing Mew and not breaking down gave him back the confidence he had lost. He felt like his former self. The confident and happy Gulf. He was angry at how he had let someone else destroy that. He was his own person and he was enough to keep himself happy and of course he had his family and Tine. He needed nothing else.

After few days, Gulf went to visit his parents. He was happy to see them after a long time.

"Dad, is it this week? "

"Yes, Gulf. I was invited but I have to go to a conference so I won't be attending the party. Such a shame. It's highlight of the year. Euphoria Masquerade is something I hate to miss. "

"I could go in your place."

"Really? I didn't ask because you don't like attending such parties."

"I want to for a change. I can take Tine? "

"Of course. It's this Friday in Grand Plaza."

"We are VVIP?"

"Obviously. We are Kanawuts, son. "

"I think I'll go shopping with Tine. My wardrobe isn't sufficient for this party."

"Sure son. It will truly be a surprise for everyone to see you there. You never attend any public event."


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