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A/N: For sake of the perspective I want to achieve the story will continue from Third Person POV when not in the POV of Mammon. Also do not jump to conclusions with this chapter!

Hours turned to days and soon days turned into weeks. The process of getting y/n's memory back had proven to be unsuccessful. Solomon and Diavolo came around ever so often to privately try and help when they weren't working on reversing the crystallization spell, but nothing they tried seemed to work. The brothers kept themselves busy trying to help. So far their home had been reorganized twenty-seven times over the past three and a half weeks and the blankets and pillows on y/n's bed seemed to be swapped out every few hours. Everyone was anxious, but Mammon was a mess. He rarely left y/n's side and couldn't seem to hold a conversation with his brothers.

 He was next to y/n again, today tracing the shape of her hand with his fingertips. She no longer screamed at the sight of him whenever she was awake, but she never smiled, and her eyes were always distant. The door opened, and he glanced over to see who it was.

"Lord Diavolo and Solomon are here to treat y/n," Lucifer said holding the door open with one hand as he used his other to support himself against the doorway. Mammon nodded and cleared his throat a bit before standing.

"Right. I'll let them do their thing," Mammon said back, his voice rather hoarse.

"Barbatos came with them this time."

"Okay? Why does that matter to me?"

"He's anxious. I can tell. Talk to him, for some reason, I don't believe he'll confide in anyone else at the moment," Lucifer said before taking his leave. 

Mammon stood there for a few seconds, not sure why Barbatos would talk with him if he was anxious. It's not like they were especially close or anything. Even so, if Lucifer said he'd only talk to Mammon then it must be true. Casting one last glance to y/n's sleeping figure Mammon walked out of the room, brushing shoulders with Solomon who had been walking in at the same time. They didn't exchange a greeting, but Diavolo offered him a smile when he passed by at the very least.

Mammon found that Barbatos wasn't inside the house. He had walked through all the main rooms to determine this and had managed to catch sight of the butler when he had passed by the glass door leaving the common room. So he went out, not sure how to start the conversation. Luckily for him, Barbatos had turned when he approached and gave him a sincere look.

"Mammon, good, I wanted to talk with you. How have you been?" He asked. Mammon didn't respond, simply keeping eye contact with the other demon. The heavy silence didn't last long before Barbatos spoke up again.

"You know there was a time when you'd greet me with a witty remark and a laugh."

"What do you want Barbatos? I know ya don't want to chat casually," Mammon said crossing his arms over his chest. He was tense. His stance was rigid and his jaw was set. He wasn't in the mood for small talk.

"My apologies... I know how hard all of this is for everyone. I simply wanted to lighten the mood. You understand, don't you? You used to do the same," Barbatos said walking over to a tree. He placed his gloved fingertips against the rough bark and smiled sadly. Mammon didn't speak again. He just watched. Barbatos didn't continue, however, since he knew Mammon had a question on his mind. The minutes drew out and it wasn't until Barbatos let his hand fall back down to his side that the silence was broken.

"Why didn't you prevent it?" Mammon asked his voice heavy with confusion and sadness. Barbatos looked over at him with silent understanding.

"Your power. Why didn't you see what would happen? Why didn't you go back and change it after it did happen? Y/n is hurt because we couldn't stop what happened. You could have prevented this. Right? But ya didn't. Why? Why is this the future we have to live through?" Mammon demanded, his voice rising with every sentence. By this point, he had closed the distance between the two of them.

𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐎𝐛𝐞𝐲𝐌𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐱𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now