Mirror Mirror

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A/N: This took ages to get out. Got Covid, broke my computer, and then proceeded to almost die from asthma over the past like month. But this is finally out. The ending is slightly rushed but I write between 12am and 1am so deal with it I suppose. I hope you enjoy <3

It was safe to say that Barbatos had thoroughly unnerved Mammon. After the departure of their group, Mammon had retreated inside the house. Solomon seemed younger? Is that what Barbatos was trying to say? He couldn't have meant y/n. Solomon didn't look like he was any younger, though. Not that he could notice. Was it possible this wasn't what Barbatos had meant?

"Damn it. I feel so freakin stupid!" He groaned to himself, scratching his head. Mammon was no fool. He slacked off in school due to disinterest, but when he applied himself, he was capable of a lot. Without much context , however, it didn't seem like he would be able to figure this out alone. 

"What's with your weird behavior all of a sudden?" Satan, who had just been passing by, asked. Mammon jumped, caught off guard by the sudden presence of his younger brother. He turned to look at the blonde, who was giving him a skeptical look.

"It's nothing. None of ya business even if it was something," Mammon told him. Satan seemed very unimpressed by this. 

"Alright. I'll leave you to your own devices then," He said, starting to take his leave. Mammon bit the inside of his cheek for a second before sighing.

"Wait up a second. I want to ask you about something," He called out before Satan had gotten too far. The other sin paused for a moment and looked back at Mammon.

"What is it?" He asked simply. Mammon hesitated, not sure if Barbatos would have wanted him to ask for help.

"Can humans age backward?" He asked, trying to keep it vague. Satan seemed taken aback for a moment. He hadn't been sure of what to expect, but that question wasn't it. 

"Humans? No, not biologically. Although, a sorcerer like Solomon can halt their age progression. Same thing with witches. A normal human can't. They age and then they die. They can't age backward. Unless, again, magic is used. But I believe that kind of practice isn't heavily used. From what I've read it can be pretty risky. A witch aged herself out of existence once," He told him. 

Mammon nodded. So it was unlikely something like that had occurred. Now he was even more unsure of what Barbatos had meant. 

"Okay well forget the aging thing. Can they make themselves look different with magic?" He asked. Satan looked at him as if he was stupid.

"Obviously. That kind of magic is commonly used even amongst demons. You change how you look physically. Sometimes it's temporary but stronger spells are permanent. Like if you're your own personalized statue." Satan explained. Mammon scratched the back of his head. Still didn't really feel like that was right.

"Is something the matter, Mammon? Your face is twisted into an expression even more unpleasant than usual," Satan questioned. Mammon ran his fingers through his hair and shook his head. Then something dawned on him. Out of his brothers, who was the best at solving puzzles and riddles? 

"Satan! I need to ask you for a really big favor! Help an older brother out would ya?" Mammon said jumping forward and gripping Satan by the shoulders. Satan blinked and cringed away from the other demon's touch.

"What is it? And don't touch me without permission," He said holding his hands up. Mammon nodded and stepped away.

"Right. Sorry. I just need help doing some research. On human world magic. Do you have any books we can use? I promise not to mess 'em up," He said, clasping his hands together in a plea. Satan regarded his brother with a look of disdain. No. It was more like a look of uncertainty. It was clear he was suspicious of what was going on. 

𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐎𝐛𝐞𝐲𝐌𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐱𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now