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Mammon's POV

"So what exactly happened? I don't understand how someone can just. Y'know. Turn into crystal," I said looking over the shiny model. It looked exactly like our killer. Except for the fact that they were made out of a clear stone. 

"It was clear from the start that he would lose. I guess he simply didn't want to be captured or killed so he protected himself in this state," Diavolo said crossing his arms over his chest.

"It's quite an advanced spell. He was clearly a very talented sorcerer," Solomon said running his hands through his hair. I looked at him for a few moments and he caught my gaze. Despite the success of the mission he looked rather unfazed. Then I remembered the scent of human blood we had noticed earlier.

"Are you okay?" I ask, interrupting the exchange of information everyone else was currently having. Solomon smiled at me and pulled the sleeve of his right arm up. There was an exposed wound, but no blood was seeping from it.

"I took a hit but I'm okay. My magic is keeping everything under control," He assured. I nodded and looked down at Y/n in my arms. 

"We should go," Lucifer suddenly decided. The others murmured in agreement. I was still unsettled. I didn't know why. Maybe it was the weird lingering feeling of not finishing something or maybe it was the fact that this seemed surprisingly easy that caused it, but I was definitely not feeling well. Luckily it didn't take long for us to find a way to move the crystal statue and using Diavolo's magic were able to get back to his castle through a portal.

"It's unfortunate you have to have traveled somewhere first in order to create a portal to that location. It would have saved us a lot of time when we had to head out on the mission," Levi said rubbing his eye. He seemed tired, but then again it had been a long day so I couldn't blame him.

"Yes well unless you want to end up in an approximated area then I think traveling somewhere and getting the exact location to be much safer," Diavolo said patting his back.

"I'm going to head home. I want to put Y/n to bed," I say with a frown, shifting their weight in my arms.

"I'll go with you," Belphie said trudging over to where I was standing. Beel and Asmo followed behind him. 

"Would you like me to tag along? I can help with trying to undo whatever he did to y/n," Solomon offered as we started to walk off. Lucifer, Satan, Asmo, and I all turned to look at him. Technically we hadn't even shared that y/n had been tampered with. So we didn't know how he knew about that.

"I sensed magic coming off of her. Magic that isn't hers. And she's unconscious so.." He explained, giving a wry smile.

"Oh. Right. Sorry, I guess you're right," I say blinking a few times. Geez. I'm just doubting everyone today, aren't I?

"Actually Solomon I want you to stay here and work on trying to reverse this crystallization spell. We can't let him get the easy way out of this now can we?" Diavolo said patting the white-haired male's back. Solomon nodded.

"If that's where I'm needed then I'll be happy to be of assistance," He said. The others nodded and in the end, my other brothers stayed behind as well. Meaning only Beel, Belphie, Asmo, Y/n, and I would be heading home tonight. However, Diavolo was gracious enough to create a portal to our forest home, meaning we didn't have to walk. 

"So are either of you going to tell us what Solomon was talking about? What's wrong with y/n?" Belphie asked as soon as we were all safely inside the house. Asmo and I exchanged a look, not sure how to break the news. I open my mouth to say something but suddenly I'm at a loss. My exhaustion came crashing down on me and I found myself needing to sit down. But I don't. Instead, I head to the infirmary and place y/n down on one of the beds. How do you explain to someone how horrible a situation is? I had felt tired before, but this? This was overwhelming. I had never felt this way in the past. Not even during the Celestial war. Not even when Lilith died. I had been overcome with grief then because she was gone, but I couldn't feel that way this time. Y/n was alive. Y/n was here, in front of me. But she was still gone in a way where I wasn't sure we would be able to get her back. That terror she felt, the fear I sensed in her when she saw me was something I couldn't shake. For the first time ever, I was at a complete loss for words.

𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐎𝐛𝐞𝐲𝐌𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐱𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now