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A/N: Hello wonderful people, sorry for not updating sooner! Please enjoy this chapter which is slightly shorter than usual. I was dealing with writer's block and also have summer online classes so I've been busy. I promise to try and update more though!

Y/n's POV

By the time Solomon and I retreated back into the large house, let's be real, it was more like a manor you see out of a fairy tail, we had been smiling and talking about what I had managed to do so far.

"I'm honestly astonished by the fact that you managed to access your magic arsenal so quickly. Even I took days to access it through meditation. But you seem to have done it with ease." He told me. I raised my hand to scratch the back of my neck.

"If I'm being honest I have no idea how I managed to do it. It just somehow came to me. It's so confusing I can't even explain it." I say with a laugh. We heard a door click shut and see Levi closing the door leading to the other brothers. He catches sight of us and waves, a smile on his lips.

"Hey you two, how'd the magic lesson go? Were you too much of a normie to get anything done?" He asked us. Solomon gave a hearty laugh and shook his head.

"On the contrary actually. She now has access to her magic. Now she just needs to learn how to use it." he said placing a hand on my shoulder. Levi raised his eyebrows in surprise and his gaze shifted solely to me.

"You really did it? That quickly? Almost seems unreal." He said, his voice hinting disbelief.

"Yeah it's a miracle really. But it really happened." I assured him. He gave me another smile.

"Well congrats. I'm really proud of you y/n." He said giving me a thumbs up. Solomon rolled his eyes at the exchange.

"Now then, since I'm assisting you it's only fair that I get my own accommodations while I stay here, don't you think?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Levi blinked a couple times, staring at Solomon for a few moments.

"You mean like, a room?" He asked, wanting to confirm if that's what Solomon wanted. Solomon gave a smile and a nod. Levi blew out a puff of air and scratched his cheek.

"Alright I'll ask Lucifer about it later. For now why don't you treat yourself to some normie food Beel brought. The kitchen is right over there." He told him, pointing to the right. Solomon bowed slightly and began to walk away. When Levi and I were alone a somewhat awkward silence fell between us.

"Hey Levi? I wanted to clear something up about what happened.." I started off, looking down at my feet. He didn't respond, but I could still feel his presence in the room.

"You mean about the kiss?" He asked suddenly, breaking the silence. I couldn't bring myself to meet his gaze so I simply nodded. Again he didn't reply right away so instead I took interest in the room we were currently in while I waited for his response. The floor was made out of dark smooth wooden planks. It contrasted to the light gray wallpaper covering the inside of this particular room. The wall behind me was made entirely of glass, complete with a glass door that Solomon and I had used to reenter the house. This room, like most of the others in the house, had a giant crystal chandelier looming overhead. There was no real purpose I could determine the room was used for. But a few small sofas were set up in one of the corners.

"Alright I think I'm mentally prepared for whatever you have to say now." Levi said interrupting my inspection. I felt my mouth go dry but I forced myself to set a brave face on.

"I want to start by saying that I never asked for that kiss. And I wanted to apologize since I know it made you feel uncomfortable. I hope you can forgive me." I say bowing to him. I had my eyes shut tightly and I didn't straighten up again, instead I just remained in my bowing position. He didn't say anything right away but I heard his footsteps draw closer. When they stopped I opened my eyes and felt the weight of his hand rest on my head.

𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐎𝐛𝐞𝐲𝐌𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐱𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now