Book 1 Ch 1: The Mutant

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"They failed to capture the young Avatar.  How disappointing."  Unalaq said as he listened to the radio, telling of the failed kidnapping attempt on Avatar Korra.

"What are we going to do sir?"  A Red Lotus member asked.

"Senreq, I believe it is time to begin Weapon X."  Unalaq said.

"This early on?  We could always try to kidnap young Korra again."  Senreq said.

"My brother will have her under 100% supervision now.  He won't want to risk losing the Avatar, his daughter."  Unalaq said.

"Then, who will we initiate the project on?"  Senreq asked.

"How many subjects do we have?"  Unalaq asked.

"We have 4 subjects subdued and prepared."  Senreq said.

"Prepare them all.  We must get Korra, and this time, no fowl ups."  Unalaq said as he walked towards the door of the base.

"You heard him.  Begin the project."  Senreq ordered.

"And, one more thing.  Senreq, before you begin the official experiment, I want you to invite the other members so they know that we will be moving forward with our plans."  Unalaq said.

"Yes sir."  Senreq said.

In a solitary room in the base, there were 4 young people, who looked to have ranged from the ages of 5 to 11.  They were all in straight jackets, and were chained to the walls.

Ranging from oldest to youngest:


Name:  Victor Creed L/N

Age:  11

Gender:  Male

Element:  Non-Bender


Name:  Wade Wilson

Age:  9

Gender:  Male

Element:  Fire


Name:  Laura Kinney

Age:  7

Gender:  Female

Element:  Earth


Name:  Y/N L/N

Age:  6

Gender:  Male

Element:  Fire


These 4 kids were prodigies, either with bending, or with other skills.  Which is why they were here, to be turned into great weapons to be used by the Red Lotus, against the White Lotus.  The oldest of them, is a boy named Victor Creed L/N.  He is a non-bender, but is a master at hand to hand combat and sensing the smallest of smell and noise.  Next is a boy named Wade Wilson.  As well as being a chatter box, he is a gifted swordsman and a powerful Firebender, being put at the top of his class in the school he went to in the Fire Nation.  He was so powerful, that Fire Lord Izumi commented by saying that if he wishes, he might even become a major general in her army.  Next is a young girl named Laura Kinney. Despite her young age, she was a prodigal earthbender, being able to do things that kids her age wasn't.  She has the brain of her mother, Suyin Beifong, and the heart and stubbornness of her grandmother, Toph Beifong.  And the youngest and unknowingly strongest of them all, Y/N L/N.  Y/N is the younger brother of Victor, and had learned of his Fire Bending not that long ago.  One night he was having a nightmare, and woke up to flames of blue, yellow, orange and red.  He was later told that these were his flames, and that they were far stronger than that of normal fire.  His attacks would be the equivalent of Comet Powered Fire Nation soldiers.  He was quick on his feet, was very smart, and was very kind.  Unfortunately for him, that was all going to change.

A Mutant In A Bender's World (LegendOfKorraXMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now