Chapter 16: Save Merlin

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Hey guys, I decided to change Esmeralda from Anne Hathaway to Jennifer Connelly but you can imagine her as whoever you like anyways, this chapter is going to be in third person POV.

Esmeralda woke up late today, Gwen had said she had a free morning. She got ready and went downstairs expecting to have to wake her lazy brother up but he wasn't in bed.

"Good morning, Gaius," Esmeralda greeted her uncle, "has Merlin finally gone to work on time?"

"He wasn't here when I woke up," he replied.

He must've gone to prank Arthur or something. At that moment there was a yell of:

"Where is that idiot?!" and Arthur charged through the door.

"Merlin?" Ezy asked her brow furrowed, "we thought he was with you."

"He hasn't come with my breakfast!" Arthur fumed.

"I didn't see him last night," Ezy realised.

"He's at the tavern again, isn't he? When I get my hands on him..." Muttering Arthur left.

"Where is he?" Ezy said, turning to Gaius again.

"Wherever he is it's not the tavern." He was worried that the boy got himself into trouble all the time. He was in danger especially when Morgana was after him Gaius suspected she had something to do with this. Hopefully, Merlin gets out of this one he's always managed to in the past. Merlin was like a son to Gaius; he cared about him a lot and he knew Merlin felt the same.

Esmeralda was panicking, "Morgana's got him hasn't she?"

"It would seem so."

She started pacing, "so, how do we save him? We don't even know where he is."

"I was under the impression that magical siblings had a special connection," Gaius hinted.

"Of course!" Ezy exclaimed, closing her eyes to concentrate on opening the connection with Merlin. She called his name telepathically.

"Ezy..." He just managed to say.

"Where are you?"

"In Morgana's cave. Outskirts of the forest," he whispered weakly.

"Are you alright?"

"Fine." He groaned, "I can't talk, she's coming back."

And the connection was broken.

"We were right he is with Morgana," she told Gaius, "I need Arthur." Esmeralda quickly ran out in a hallway she found Guinevere.

"Hello, Esmeralda. Where are you going in such a rush?"

"It's Merlin. He's been kidnapped by Morgana. I need to know where Arthur is," Ezy pleaded.

"He's out training with the knights," Gwen said, looking equally worried.

"Thank you so much, Gwen!" She called, hurrying off to the training grounds.

When she got there she didn't feel like interrupting the training session but she knew she had to.

"Sire," Ezy said walking up to Arthur, "I'm sorry for interrupting but, it's Merlin."

"Where is he? I could use him as a moving target right now."

"He's been taken by Morgana," Esmeralda simply stated.

"Morgana?" Leon questioned.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go save Merlin!" Gwaine exclaimed.

"We don't even know where he is," Percival commented.

"A cave on the edge of the forest."

"Now, let's go save Merlin!" Gwaine repeated.

"How do you know this?" Elyan inquired.

"He left a note before he left," Ezy lied and they believed her.

"Let's go save Merlin!" Gwaine said for the third time.

"We get it, Gwaine," Arthur said.

Soon the knights were at the stables getting their horses ready. Lancelot took Esmeralda to a corner outside.

"You're not coming," he stated, "it's too dangerous."

"But-" she started but Lance cut her off.

"Merlin would've wanted you to stay here."

Ezy hesitated but agreed in the end, "Bring him back and stay safe."

"I will be and I'll bring your prince back," Lancelot said grinning.

Ezy softly kissed his lips, "go on."

Lance smiled and left.

On the journey to the cave, Gwaine was telling the story of the first time he met Merlin and Arthur.

"-then we fought them -Merlin did too- you know Merlin can fight when he has too but when the princess is around he doesn't bother."

"Merlin can't even hold a sword, never mind attack someone with it," Arthur said unbelievably.

Lancelot smiled to himself if only they knew what he did.

"You never know Merlin could be good."

"That's as likely as Gwaine not calling me princess."

As they rode they debated whether Merlin could actually fight.

"Merlin walks into a battle with us without a sword or any armour," Leon said.

"We don't even ask him to come with us," Elyan noted admiringly, "he chooses to tag along."

"That's because he relies on us for safety," Arthur replied.

It went in and on until Leon said if they didn't shut up he would push them into the lake.

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