Chapter 1: Another morning

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I groaned as I woke up this morning by Gaius calling me to breakfast, it was the same routine every morning get up, get ready, quickly have breakfast if you could call a piece of bread breakfast then, go wake up the king, which was rarely possible without him making a big fuss and throwing something at me. I sat up rubbing my eyes if only I could stay in bed a little bit longer, but Arthur would start yelling at me for being late, then again he yells at me even if I'm on time.

"Merlin! Hurry or you'll be late to wake Arthur!" Gaius's voice came from downstairs.

I hurriedly got ready, went downstairs two steps at a time, grabbed some bread, and went to get the king's breakfast. If I wasn't in such a hurry I would have noticed Gaius stirring a thick, bubbly, navy blue potion that I had never seen or heard of before but, I was too occupied to see. I ran to the kitchens, grabbed the silver platter with Arthur's breakfast, and bounded off to his chambers opening the door with a bang. I put the breakfast on the table and flung open the curtains.

"Rise and shine!" I beamed at Arthur who was still in bed.

"Can you say anything else?" he said his voice muffled in his pillow.

"What about? Good morning your royal prattness?" I teased.

A second later a pillow was thrown at my head.

"I am your king, Merlin you must respect me or I'll put you in the stocks" Arthur, getting out of bed said in a bossy tone.

"Yes, sire," I said sarcastically then started to help him get dressed. When they were done Arthur sat down to eat.

"So, Merlin what are we doing today?"

"'ve got training with the knights in ten minutes then, there's a meeting at the round table and after that, you're going to have to write another speech."

"Okay..." he said in thought.

"If that's all I'll be going to my work now," I walked to the door but before I could turn the handle-

"And where do you think you're going? The knights and I need a moving target for training..." Arthur smirked.

Within minutes I found myself running around while the knights tried to hit the target which was attached to my back.

"C'mon, Merlin faster! Don't just stand there!" Arthur yelled as though this wasn't hard enough already. One by one the knights threw their spears at me first Leon, then Gwaine, Lancelot, Percival, Elyan, and lastly Mordred who I finally trusted not to be on Morgana's side.

An hour later training was over, I was glad, it was exhausting. I got Arthur out of his armour and ready for the meeting, the meeting wasn't as boring as I had expected. Everyone took their seats except me, I stood behind Arthur's chair as I was his manservant not a member of the round table. The topic was about Morgana, some knights had seen her in a nearby forest which was most peculiar because she never steps into Camelot unless she is planning something.

Maybe she was planning something, something unexpected, knowing Morgana something that will take a big risk to mend, most likely she'll try to kill Arthur but I'll have to save him again. Morgana's schemes will never work with me around but if I fail... I can't bear to think what would happen if I did.

"-ake up. Merlin!"

"Huh?" I snapped out of my thoughts to see Arthur waving his hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention.

"Now that you're out of your trance I'd like you to muck out the stables and be useful!"

I groaned and muttered "dollophead" rolling my eyes.

"I heard you, Merlin!" He said walking out the door.

About an hour later I finished the stables covered in hay, when walking into Gaius's chambers I noticed the potion Gaius was brewing for the first time.

"What's that, Gaius?" I asked curiously.

"You'll find out soon enough," he said, making me even more confused.

"Why can't you tell me now?"

"It's for me to know, and you to find out." Gaius continued his secretive manner.

My eyes scanned the table finally they landed on the potion book amongst all the other ingredients, Gaius was probably making the potion from it. If I got one peek at it maybe I could find out what he was making, but before I could read one word, Gaius snapped the book shut.

"Shouldn't you be doing your work, Merlin? If you don't have any I could give you some." Gaius said obviously trying to get me away.

"Oh! Yeah! Arthurs lunch!" I remembered, walking towards the door to get it from the kitchens.

"Merlin!" Gaius called.

"Yes?" I asked looking back at him wondering what he wanted.

"I'd suggest having a bath before going." He eyed my clothes.

I looked down at them as well. "oh yeah..."

When I came back from giving Arthur his lunch Gaius told me to go pick some rare herbs, which took all afternoon, I was just in time to give Arthur some dinner and get him ready for the night. By the time I got to my room I was so tired, I fell asleep without eating anything.

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