Chapter 4: Catching up

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"Esmeralda..." I whispered.

Arthur looked at me, "you know her? How?"

"She's my sister."

Then Esmeralda saw me. She covered her mouth in a silent scream of surprise, happy tears falling from her eyes. I ran down the flight of stairs and pulled her into a tight hug. She hugged me back, but was so weak she passed out. When I got a closer look at her she was pale as snow and her arms were littered with different cuts and whip marks.

"Leon, inform Gaius immediately," Arthur ordered.

Later, Esmeralda was put in the care of Gaius while I sat on the end of the bed answering Arthur's questions.

"How come you didn't tell me you had a sister?"

"Well firstly, I didn't know if she was alive or not, secondly it wasn't something I liked to talk about and saying 'I have a sister who was kidnapped by bandits' wouldn't be a good conversation starter, also I just didn't see the point."

"'Didn't see the point'?" He looked at me disappointedly "when you know all about my family, I barely know anything about yours. How's that fair?"

I shrugged 'there is so much more about my family that he doesn't know.

"How long has it been since you saw her?" He nodded toward Esmeralda.

"Umm." I quickly calculated in my head, "around three years."

Arthur raised his eyebrow. "I'll let you have the day off to help Gaius, but just today you have to be back to work tomorrow."

"Yes, yes" I nodded, then I muttered "clot pole" after he left.

The whole day went by but Esmeralda didn't wake, in the end, I walked to my room and fell asleep. When I woke up early this morning, I decided to check on Esmeralda. After changing I went downstairs to discover she was awake.

"G'morning" she beamed up at me.

"Good morning to you too" I returned the smile and sat next to her "how're you?"

"Better now," she said cheerfully.

"How long have you been with those bandits?" I asked.

"First of all they aren't bandits, they were Morgause's men," I looked horrified at the thought of living with those monsters, "I've been with them for the past three years. Morgause ordered them to capture me because she found out I was a seer and thought I might be useful, but I never had one dream for her. Then she discovered her sister Morgana, she was a seer too so Morgause sorta forgot about me, and when Morgause died her men decided to keep me to have someone to do all the work, to bully, to make them feel vulnerable."

I put my arm around her because she sounded close to tears, "Then these Camelot knights found me and brought me here." She then suddenly exclaimed, "Oh wait!" And threw her hand inside her tattered cloak pocket bringing out the dagger I got her years ago.

"You still have that?" I was surprised that the evil men hadn't rid her of it.

"Yes. Of course, I wouldn't lose the only thing I had from my brother, would I? Now tell me what the hell are you doing in Camelot?! Do you know how dangerous it is for you!"

"It's a long story..."

"I have all the time in the world."

"Well, mother sent me here to learn to use my magic from Gaius-"

"Mother? How is she?" Esmeralda interrupted.

"She's living in Ealdor, perfectly fine," I informed her.

"Could I go meet her?" she asked eagerly

"I'll take you one day. She'll be pleased to see you."

"Ok. Carry on."

"So I came to Camelot with risk 'cause magic isn't allowed here as you know. The only people that know about my magic are Gaius and my friend Lancelot. Also, I've changed my first name to Merlin as everyone calls me because it'll keep my identity, and anyways I don't fancy being called 'Emrys'."

"You never did." Esmeralda giggled

"When I came to Camelot I had an unfortunate encounter with the prince (now king) Arthur Pendragon the prat. The first time we met he almost knocked my head off with a mace."

Esmeralda flinched.

"I used my magic to win the fight. Nobody noticed." I added as Esmeralda gave me a disapproving glare. "That day I also became Gaius's apprentice.

"Then at night while I was asleep I heard a voice calling me. I followed it, it was coming from under the castle and...guess what it was?"

"Umm...," it was clear she wanted to know "I dunno just tell me."

"It was..." I chuckled at Ezy's impatience. "A dragon." I said dramatically "His name: Killgarah and he told me the worst thing I have heard in my life. He told me that Arthur and me, our destinies were entwined, that I would have to protect Arthur at all costs. We would unite a land of Albion where magic would be legal and you could use magic freely. He called us two sides of the same coin," I rolled my eyes, "and he always talks in riddles."

Ezy laughed "what happened then?"

I told her about the first time I saved Arthurs fat ass.

"Then Uther rewarded me for it, but I mean like how is becoming the prats manservant a reward? So then I was his manservant and I still am to this day."

I spent the next hour telling Esmeralda about all the times I saved Arthur. I was halfway through when Gaius came to make breakfast.

"Morning, Gaius," I said.

"Morning, uncle," Esmeralda said.

I looked at her appalled "'Uncle'?"

"Didn't you know?" She looked amused, "Gaius is our uncle."

I looked at Gaius for confirmation, he just nodded.

"Why don't you ever tell me anything?! All this time!" I exclaimed.

Gaius looked apologetically at me, then he asked "who wants some breakfast?"

"Yes please," Esmeralda said eagerly.

Gaius brought up 3 bowls of porridge and gave them to us. Before I had even put my spoon in my mouth Esmeralda had devoured half of her's quickly and quietly.

"How long has it been since you ate?" I questioned.

"A week" she replied before putting more spoonfuls of porridge in her mouth.

"A week?!"

"Yes. They only gave me food once a week, a bowl of foul-tasting soup and some river water," Esmeralda whispered.

"Merlin, you best be going now," Gaius said.

"Oh well...I have to go now and wake king pratt up. I'll be back for lunch, Ezy" I kissed her forehead before going to the kitchens to get Arthur's breakfast.

Esmeralda seemed to enjoy listening to my adventures. I had told her about Nimueh, Cenred, Morgana, the romance of Arthur and Gwen, Freya, Will, father, Uther, Morgause, the knights, Excalibur, different magical creatures trying to kill Arthur, everyone else who tried to kill Arthur and now we were halfway through the time when the pixies tried to take over. I'm pretty sure she was restlessly waiting for me to come looking forward to hearing some more stories of my life.

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