Chapter 6: Jewelry

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When I woke up this morning I was in a bad mood. I was also late to get to Arthur the number of chores I had didn't help. I hurried down the stairs, grabbed an apple, and was going out the door when-

"Merlin, aren't you going to eat anything else?" Esmeralda asked.

"I'm sorry, Ezy I'm running late. Got to go wake, Arthur. I also have to polish his armour because I forgot to do it yesterday and write his and Gwen's anniversary speech by tonight," I grumbled.

At the last sentence she looked up at me willingly, "I could write it for you?"

"No, No, it's fine I'll be able to do it," I insisted.

"Don't worry I'll do it. It'll be one less thing you have to do."

"No, I can do it. It's just a speech."

"Please....I've got nothing else to do until I heal fully," She begged.

"Fine if you insist. Now I gotta hurry." Then, I ran out after saying quick goodbyes to Esmeralda and Gaius.

On my way, I bumped into several people, by the time I got to Arthur he was already awake and ready.

"You're late, Merlin," he said disappointedly.

"Sorry, Arthur but you gave me so much work," I said not sounding sorry at all. "Here's your breakfast." I put his plate down on the table.

He sat down to eat "Merlin," he said after he was done, "get two horses ready for us."

'Why? Where are we going?" I asked curiously.

'We're going to get Guinevere's anniversary present," he stated.

"Oh. Ok." I was surprised that he hadn't bought it ages ago.

"Well c'mon then on your toes. What are you waiting for?"

I saddled the horses, and we rode into the lower town.

"Merlin, don't tell Guinevere or I'll put you in the stocks," Arthur warned, "I want it to be a surprise."

"I'm not that much of an idiot. I can keep a secret," I remarked and it is very true.

"I find that hard to believe," Arthur responded.

"I can keep a secret with my life!"


"Yes! You'd be surprised."

And we quarrelled the whole journey to the lower town until Arthur spotted a jewellery stall. We unmounted our horses, the villagers all bowed to Arthur as we walked through the crowd. When we got to the stall a very short and stubby man showed us his best merchandise. We looked at them for a while until Arthur held up a green pendant.

"How's this?" He asked for my opinion.

"Nah. Gwen doesn't wear green and anyway it wouldn't suit her," I said.

I looked some more and found a silver choker necklace that had a silver chain and 5 indigo pendeloque crystals strung on it. The crystal in the middle was bigger than the others and those on the ends were smaller.

"What about that, Arthur?" I pointed to it.

He picked it up "Perfect." He turned to the merchant, "I'll be getting this."

We rode back to the citadel, necklace in Arthur's pocket. I just had enough time to polish his armour before I had to go give pratt his lunch.

"I want the speech done after lunch!" Was his send-off before I went off for my break.

When I got to the physician's chambers I slumped on a chair exhaustedly.

"You look horrible." Esmeralda said, passing me a bowl of stew, "What did you do today?"

"Arthur and I went to buy Gwen's anniversary present which took most of the morning so I had less time to do my normal chores, you know polishing his armour and that stuff then, I had to give the pratt his lunch!"

After Esmeralda finished eating she brought out the speech.

"Here," she handed it to me.

I scanned through it. " still have a talent for writing that nobody else has," I complimented her. "Now I have to go."

I stood up to hand Arthur the speech, but Esmeralda blocked me before I could open the door. She had a look on her face and I knew what it meant:

"You want something don't you?"

"It's getting boring sitting here while you and Gaius both go to do your work." She started slowly. "I was thinking maybe you could take me out of here and show me around?" Ezy asked looking up at me hopefully.

I hesitated.

"Please...Gaius checked me over and he says my wounds have healed and I feel perfectly fine." She then did the cute eye's I could never resist.

"Okay, okay," I gave up. "I'll come and get you after I'm done with Arthur."

"I can't go in this." She pointed out the once white dress she was wearing, which was now grey and ripped in some places.

"I'll see what I can do," I told her.

"Yay thanks, Merlin!" She hugged me.

"Now can I go?" I asked her.

"Go ahead." She smiled at me.

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