Chapter Thirty: Changing Perspectives

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It was disputably rage I saw when Z grabbed the wall, ripped it down it down to rubble, and dropped to his knees.

"How could I be so stupid?" Z said.

"It isn't your fault, it's been like this forever," I stepped around the rubble and bent over near his leaning figure. "Isaac is an evil creature, he's probably spent years planning this and wanted to kept you in the dark because...well lets face it, you are a better leader than him and you're stronger."

"If I fight along side of you, how can I trust you?"

"You can't, but u haven't lied to you for over the past few centuries have I?"

"I thought you came for food,"

"I came for my mother before Isaac kills her,"

"When is the Darkness approaching?"

"Within the year, just enough time for me to carry a baby."

A roar erupt upstairs and screams where heard, someone was here.

"Please Z, Brazer, and Filteon, grab your men and fight with us, for your destiny and mine."

"You bring a good argument girl," Brazer smirked. "If the chief is in, then I will fight."

Filteon smiled, "As will I."

I waited for Z confirmation when more roars and scream echoed through upstairs.

"Yes. You have us fight for you against the Darkness and Isaac."

"Great, come now, we need you fighting now," I rushed back upstairs and Ron was waiting for me with, surprisingly, my mother.

"Mom!" I cried and ran to her opened arms. She huffed me for what seemed like ever and I didn't complain about it. More screams interrupted and I looked up,"

"We must go," I said. "Ron we must find a way out now,"

Ron stopped moving and when I realized both t mother and Ron looked as if they were about to die, they back up.

"What?" I turned and saw Z and his people. Not a lot considering, but they were harboring in the basement, which makes me think they're a little stupid for not wondering out here.

"We're going to die." Ron muttered.

"No," I said. "This is Z, he will be fighting with us. Z, this is my mother and friend, Veronica."


"You've been down there this entire time?" Ron asked. "Why didn't you-"

"That does not matter now, Z, can you get them out of here?"

"There's a dumping ground through our quarters, it leads to the back, if you go straight, it cuts through to the forest, it's for when the humans run low and we get animals."

"Okay, mom, Ron, go. Run and find someone and safety and stay there."

"I won't leave you El,"

"Mom, this isn't the time. I won't you lose you and dad in the same year. Ron go."

The both took off down the cobble stairs from we're I emerged and disappeared.

"We have to move," I said. "Now."

We ran down the hallway and the sound of fighting grew closer within the large hall. I commanded Z and the others to wait on my signal before slipping myself to the hall.

"Ah, Ella." Isaac smiled. "Where is the head dear?"

"It got a little out of control," I said thanking the Gods that enough blood and dirty rubbed onto me from Z's lair to make me look like a just killed a 100 people. "It wasn't structured like a head anymore."

My Arrogant Mate Is An Alpha Jerk [Book 2 of Alpha Mate Trilogy]Where stories live. Discover now