Day 27

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Written by danielpawelthelarry

dear harry,
good morning baby! 4 days left! there’s a smile on my face that i can’t seem to fade. you’re coming home. my baby is coming home.

you’re definitely getting punished when we get home. you were a bad boy darling, need to show you that you’re mine and only mine.

i agree about the letters, they have given us a new perspective on each other and i love you. i do, i really fucking do.

sorry about the bad mouthing, it’s just a normal thing at this point. i hate talking about myself or my body- except my ass. i mean there is not a single flaw in my ass haha.

still don’t like Jeff but i’ll let you figure it out, i’ll give you the anonymous number when you come home.

i’m proud of you darling, your album will be amazing and i cannot wait to hear it!

4 days! just 4 days baby. i love you


Written by itstilliswhatitis

Dear Louis,

I could write you a song trying to make you understand how special you are but I have written plenty, and Cindy Lauper actually already formed into words what I would like to express.

And I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you

So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful

Like a rainbow

I know that I'm being sappy but I seem to have failed my main job as your boyfriend, helping you build that feeling of self-worth. That changes now. You have been my number one supporter from day one. I wouldn't be half the man I am today if it hadn't been for you. You have embraced all my quirks, all the things that I felt weird about. Thanks to you I feel comfortable in my own skin. Thanks to you I have the courage to dress any way I want. Pain my nails, wear lipgloss or mascara. I love you for that. I'm not that weird kid anymore who likes to put on a dress once in a while. I'm sorry I haven't done the same for you. I'm gonna shower you with compliments until you believe them.

I'm sorry love, but "not a single flaw in my ass" made me cackle out loudly. No there isn't, because I'm the one in there. Mohaha, I had to. I have the worst humor.

I'm connecting all the loose strings here so I can wrap it up and finally come home to you. I'm actually feeling a little shy, seeing you after a month. I know I'm being silly.

We need to continue our therapy. We have come a long way but we have to make sure that we won't fall back into our old manners. No more fighting. Or I mean, we will fight occasionally, and that's okay, as long as we make up for it.

All the love

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