Day 25

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Written by danielpawelthelarry

dear harry,
i wasn't expecting that kind of confession today, but thank you for your honesty, it definitely made me smile, and also let out an ugly laugh.

i watched you get out of the pool that day we were skinny dipping even though i was supposed to be turned around. the sight of your ass was all i could think about for three weeks, it was truly a wild experience. here's some honesty for you too then haha.

the photo was sent to me anonymously, but it must have been someone in the music industry rather than someone from the public since they somehow got my number. if it was a fan or some shit then they would have blown up my phone.

hm let's see... since you wanna make it up to me, i have a few ideas. kisses for starters, cuddles on the sofa, endless supplies of you making me tea and of course to finish it off, makeup sex ;)

the studio was cathartic. i feel calmer, and like i've let a lot of those negative emotions go.

six days. just six days.

i love you.

yours always,

Written by itstilliswhatitis

Dear Louis,

Five days now! I'm gonna give you all the kisses and hugs and cups of tea in the world! I'll throw in a massage and a sponge bath too. ;)

I'm glad that you're trying to move past this but I'm also sad. It feels like we're back on square one again and it's my fault. Or maybe not. You're not calling me an arsehole anymore.

Please, you're the one with the great ass! Seriously, it's divine. I'm happy you checked me out as well back then. I was so scared and insecure. I remember it like yesterday, that spark of hope that maybe you liked boys too and maybe you could like me one day? I was so gone for you from the start. I think I fell in love with you after spending five minutes in your company.

Well, the only ones having those photos to my knowledge is the paparazzi who took them and he was paid off, and my management obviously. I'm gonna have a chat with Jeff about it.

I'm craving that makeup sex now. I want to show you how much I love you, how much you mean to me.

I have one more song to write. Wish me luck.

All the love

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