Day 20

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Written by itstilliswhatitis

Dear Louis,

This letter doesn't exactly help with my current state. Loooouis! Could you hear me whine? Ten more days and then I'm all yours. You can do whatever you want to me and I'll take it like a good boy.

That's one of my favorite moments too, the aftercare. You're so sweet and soft. I'm gonna tell you what's my absolute favorite part when I get home because even thinking about it makes me blush. I can't put that down on paper. I'll whisper it to you when I see you, okay? Maybe not first thing but later, when we're finally sweaty and naked. I can't wait!

Okay, I need to write about something else. I just wanna say how happy it made me reading your letter and that you still feel like that about me after all these years. I'm glad that you still find me attractive, that I still drive you crazy, and be absolutely certain that I feel the same way about you. You only get sexier each year.

Anyhow, I read My policeman and I loved it! It's such a great book! If anyone decides to make it into a movie I'll beg on my knees to get a part in it. I'm gonna e-mail Jeff to tell him to keep his eyes open.

I can't believe how easy it has been to write this album. I only have like, two more songs to write. I've been working nonstop and I'm exhausted but I'm proud of this album. I hope people will like it. I'm looking forward to going on tour and all that, as long as I'll have you by my side. You're right. We need to make sure our tour dates match so we can see each other as much as possible.

I love you for being an amazing brother to your siblings. I love you for being so lovable towards my family too. I love you for being a family man.

My question...will you ever bring the suspenders back? I know you don't like them but you're so hot in suspenders. Silly question. Maybe I'll just have to start wearing suspenders, to have a piece of you with me? I like that thought.

I'm gonna order some pizza and watch some tv before I make an early night. Then it will be one day closer until I can kiss you again. I love you Louis and I miss you like crazy.

All the love

Written by danielpawelthelarry

dear harry,
i'm sorry your hangover is treating you rough, hope you're getting enough water into yourself darling. wish i could cook you a nice big breakfast to cure it (yes, i finally managed to not burn eggs while cooking and i'm prouder than i'd like to admit)

you make me so confident, i just feel better when i'm not the only one on stage. but i think i'm just talking shit now and when i get on that stage, in front of people who actually love me, i'll feel safe and loved on stage, just like it was when i was in the band. and of course, i don't think i'd be able to play my first show if you weren't there in the wings cheering me on. you're my personal cheerleader haz.

i get what you're saying, but i think that i'm just a self conscious person, you of all people know that haz, so it's hard. with your support though, i feel unstoppable.

20 years from now? we are free, we have that house we spoke about a couple letters ago, kids running around and we are DEFINITELY fucking married haha. what? did you think i'd miss the chance to officially be yours? god, have a wedding, feed you cake in front of our family and friends with the biggest smile on my face because you would be mine, and there will be a ring on your finger that confirms it. i can picture it now haz, and i can't wait until that day comes, i bet you'll look gorgeous.

my question for you is:
do you want a big or small wedding? have you ever thought about it? what would the colour scheme be? i want to know how you imagine it.

baby, you have nothing to make up for, i honestly loved that letter more than i should have. i'm counting down the days till you're home.

i'm off to the studio today, got back from Amsterdam yesterday with a ton of song ideas so i'm getting them down in the studio.

i really miss you darling.


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