Day 5

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Written by itstilliswhatitis

Dear Louis,

I'm crying. Literally bawling my eyes out. Okay, not literally, that would be gross. It feels like a big stone has been lifted from my chest. I'm so relieved. I know that you don't say thing that you don't mean so maybe I can stop feeling guilty? I'm gonna try.

I'm so happy that you feel inspired. You write the best songs. I can't wait to hear them. I know that I'm gonna love them. All of them.

Speaking of songs, I sat down today with Mitch and two other writers to talk about what I want the new album to sound like. I'm so excited!

As always, you're my biggest inspiration, and that's one of many things that I love about you.

To answer your question: there are many wonderful places in the world. I love Tokyo. The people, the pulse of the city. Jamaica is another favorite. We had such a great time there. L.A. has its perks, but England is my country, my past, my present and my future. It doesn't really matter where I live, as long as I'm with you. You're my home. We can live in Donny. Buy a big house and fill it with kids the day we're out. I'm looking forward to that next part of our lives even if I like our lives now too. We're very lucky to be able to do what we do for a living even if we had to pay a high price to get there.

Send my love to Liam! We really should get together all of us soon. Listen to our One Direction albums and remember the good times, because we had a lot of those too. We got to experience so much.

My question for the day: what is a skill you would like to master? I would love to learn how to play the trumpet. Trumpets are cool. Right?

PS! I love those songs too. D.S!

All the love

Written by danielpawelthelarry

dear harry,
it's a habit i don't want to break, my chest feels lighter in the mornings knowing that these letters help me understand you more. i feel comfortable being more open in these letters, it helps me think before i speak. i know i'm sometimes bad at that and i can say stuff to hurt you. being vulnerable with you feels like we are building our relationship back up rather than tearing it apart.

since we are being brutally honest in these, i'll admit that i haven't been in the best place mentally recently. it's not your fault at all, i just get that heavy ache in my chest and my mind goes spinning with anxiety all the time. when you're away everything is quiet and some days liam forces me out of bed. i never told you because i didn't want you to worry, especially since we have been a bit cold to each other recently too. it's getting better, i think writing these letters helps stop the fear of our relationship failing. i still get that feeling sometimes though.

i love your voice. it's so deep and warm, smooth like honey. when you're away i sometimes listen back to some of your interviews or our home video collection, it helps me sleep. what i'm trying to say is, i like your voice when it's not yelling at me, when we aren't arguing. i miss it.

my biggest regret would probably be not appreciating the time we had together at the start. back in the day where we were allowed to touch on stage, when i could look at you for as long as i wanted in public or when i could speak to you without our management team screaming at us.

my question for you is:
have you picked up on any of my quirks that you think i don't know about?
like for you, you use to scrunch your nose when id say something funny in an interview and you'd try to not smile so you wouldn't get in trouble with management. you trace your anchor tattoo repeatedly on the sofa quietly after every argument we have. when you get jealous your nose does this silly thing where it flares slightly and you look scary... and hot but let's not get into that haha.

by the way liam says hi! he said to tell you that he misses you. he's coming over to ours for a beer in 20 minutes so i have to go.
i love you sweetheart, i hope LA is treating you nicely, enjoy the sun over there for me, it's supposed to be pissing down with rain all week in london.
i miss you.

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