Day 18

973 78 20

Written by itstilliswhatitis


I'm drunk and horneeeee. I miss sex. Sex with you. I love how you're able to make me fall apart completely with skillful hands, mouth, tongue, and... I'm rambling. Sorry. It's not often we've gone this long without. I'm about to explode. My whole body is restless, itching.

No matter how our relationship has been we've always had sex. Angry sex, hot demanding sex lately but still. I kind of miss soft, romantic sex though. Like in the beginning. Don't get me wrong, sex with you is always great and it's something we're always improving. I love that about you. Love, love, love. Crap! I want you!

I'm this close to getting on a flight back home. You can't see but I'm measuring with my thumb and pointy. It's almost no air between my fingers. I miss your fingers.

Okay, I'm gonna stop there. Keep some of my dignity, just uuuuugh. I hope you know that you're more than enough? That I never feel like I'm missing out on something just because I haven't had other sex partners? I only want you and when two people know each other as well as we do, trust each other like we do you can take it to a whole other level, when you're comfortable sharing fantasizes and stuff. You make me feel so safe.

Now I'm gonna stop. My head is spinning. I went clubbing with the band. I danced and I drank. We had fun. I wish you had been there though. I always want you by my side. Life is so much better with you by my side. It's like that line you wrote in your song. "Cigarette in my left hand, whole world in my right hand."

That's so true. I love how our tattoos line up whenever we hold hands. I love holding your hand. It fits perfectly in mine. I'm not equally fond of the smoking but when it's you, I don't care even if I'm worried about your health.

More matching tattoos? Let me think. How about each other a thumbprint in the form of a heart? Okay, I'm drunk. I'll think about it when I've sobered up. I like your idea. You're the love of my life too.

I'm more than halfway through my album so yeah, a couple of more songs and then I'm done I think. 12 more days before I come home. I'm sorry for planning such a long stay in L.A. When I decided to be here a month we were in such a bad place and I honestly needed a breather, a break from fighting. Now I just miss you.

Question, question, hm... Do I still surprise you? Like, do you discover new sides to me, new things about me that you like? You do. You're a constant source of surprises and new things and I love that.

I gonna get some sleep. Sober up. I'm sorry about this messy, sex craving letter. I love you, Louis.

All the love

Written by danielpawelthelarry

dear harry,
i thought there was a safe bond within these letters as far as judgement goes. yes, taylor is a woman that i have lots of hatred for, however nobody can deny her lyrical talent, which i sometimes do enjoy. your judgement has hurt my feelings. (i'm pouting at you)

your songs will sound incredible, i cant wait to hear the horns on them! i myself have actually got some songs that i think might have strings on them so that is a bit out there haha.

baby, homophobia will never disappear, at least not in our lifetime. i know that's hard but hopefully when we come out, we will be happy and inspire others to do so, you know just as well as i do that people look up to us.

i love how precise you want to be about this in-between house situation haha, it's really cute. we can build our own house, just the way we like it and pass it on to our children some day. i cant wait for my future with you.

dont get sassy with me darling, that's my job. you change your favourite flower ever two months so much so that i can't keep up.

to answer your question, i hope the band gets back together. i know we have different opinions on this but i really loved our band days. i miss the boys and i guess i just don't think i'll enjoy the process of touring alone to be honest. maybe i will, i think i'm just scared.

how was touring by yourself ? your first album and all that? i know we briefly spoke about it but i guess i want to know, were you scared? did it feel the same? or was it better?

do you realise how much i love the way your scrunch your nose. it's an odd thing to love but i do, and you don't even know when you're doing it which makes it ten times cuter. i was looking back at old interviews of the band and you did that a couple times, my heart melted.

i'll let you go darling, i love you and i can't wait till you're back. i'm starting to feel homesick, without my 'home' around.


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