Day 8

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Written by itstilliswhatitis

Dear Louis,

Don't hate on the notebook! Isn't that the main goal in life? To be with someone for a lifetime, sharing everything, knowing everything about each other, loving each other to the very end? God, I'm getting emotional just thinking about it.

I've written two songs so far. Our letters inspire me. I can't wait for you to hear them. Today I asked for the day off. I'm just gonna go shopping and meet up with some friends for dinner later on. I'm looking forward to it.

I'm actually in awe right now. I consider myself the luckiest man on this planet that has found someone like you that loves and accepts me as much as you do. I hope you know that it's mutual? I love you for making me a better person. Having your love and just you as a person makes me a better version of myself. Now, that made me sound like a total narcissist. Sorry! I don't know how to explain it really, just, having you in my life, having that support and safety make me a better person. Simple as that. I love everything about you too.

I'm sorry that my stunt dating hurts you. I don't know how many times I have objected but they're relentless. I thought a new management would change that but you know how it is. Just know this Louis, you have nothing to be insecure about. I don't see them the way I see you. I would never fall for someone who agrees to stunt date someone. I don't think I could ever love someone else the way I love you. You're a part of me. There's nothing insignificant about you. You're my everything. It makes me sad that you would even think things like that.

My worst memory must be seeing you fall apart when Jay passed away. You were in so much pain and I have never felt more helpless. I couldn't help you. I wanted to carry that pain for you so you didn't have to. I grieved her too but that's not the same. I'm so sorry that you lost her. Now I just want to hug you.

This got depressing fast, so I'm gonna think of a silly question. Which one of my knock-knock jokes is your favorite?

I can't choose. They're all great. I think I need to find some new ones though.

Got to go, love you pumpkin.

All the love

Written by danielpawelthelarry

dear harry,
you're my golden boy, with that sparkle in your eyes and the twinkle in your smile. i love the fans, but our fans have a special place in my heart. they've always supported us and defended us, never believing our stupid stunts. i hope they never do.

i swear to you that when you get back, things will be different. i can already feel it though these letters, and even now that you're away, the urge to hold you is stronger than ever. if our relationship was a broken record, i'd buy the same record, a new clean one- this is our fresh start baby.

as for the island, it's one of your greatest ideas yet haha. definitely somewhere far away, but it can't be too hot, i feel like i'd get Stockholm syndrome from the English Cold shit weather. fuck the island, let's get a cabin on a mountain, away from civilisation where it can be just you and me.

one thing i love about you is your ability to make me laugh, even when it's a shitty pun or 'dad joke' they still crack me up every time. when you use to tell them on stage the crowd would go wild and the boys and i would mock you, but id still always be sporting a grin. harry styles, you're an angel. you're the glimmer of hope when i'm feeling rough. i love you.

your response to my question did make me stop reading your letter for a minute. how could you joke about satan's gift to humanity like that?! avocados are the worst thing to exist and i swear to god the only thing stopping me from throwing them out of the window when you bring one home is because you like them. i will never try that monstrosity and that's something you have to accept. i think this is the biggest downfall in our relationship harry.

but also, i'll practice my cooking skills while you're away so that when you come home there will be a candle lit dinner and roses waiting for you. you deserve that and so much more and it's about time i start showing you that again. (P.S- i'll make sure liam has the fire extinguisher ready while i practice my culinary skills, don't worry, i won't burn the house down)

as for your question, i'll keep it PG in these letters, so my answer is when you call me honey.

and yeah, i got confirmation that i'm going to Amsterdam on friday so i have to pack as soon as i'm done with this letter. it's fucking annoying but what can i do?
oh and no, baby you're the picture of youth, you'll never be "too old". plus you're younger than me... wait are you calling me old! (i'm full on pouting right now)

anyway my question for you is:
(silly this time) if you had to get a pet dog, what would you call it?
i'd probably call it a posh human name like john or clifford.

anyway, i'm off to pack my bags but i love you and tell mitch i said hi, i hope to meet him some day. baby, please take a day off, don't want you to over work yourself.
i love you.


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