Day 3

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Written by itstilliswhatitis

Dear Louis,

Great news! I just had a meeting with Jeff. I'm doing a second album!

When are you going to start writing songs for your first album? It always makes me feel so guilty that I get to have a solo career and you are held back. You're so amazing Louis. You deserve an album. Fifty albums!

You're the kindest and most selfless person I know and I love you for it. I really do. But Louis, you never put yourself first. Your needs, your career, your dreams. You always put everyone else before yourself, especially me, and that doesn't make us equals, love. When we were in the band we were equals. Now you sacrifice yourself for me. You signed with Simon for crying out loud so Liam, Niall, and I could get out. That makes me angry, Lou. But I'm also grateful and that makes me feel guilty.

So even if I love your kind heart I want to you pursue your dreams. Write that killer album. Go on tours. Be your amazing self.

I talk to Mitch. I used to talk to Niall but he gets too upset. It stresses him out completely when we fight and I don't want to worry him. He's been through enough.

Do you have a guilty pleasure song? You know, one that's really bad but you like it anyway? Mine is I'm too sexy with Right Said Fred.

All the love

Written by danielpawelthelarry

dear harry,
i hate our fights, i think sometimes i get irritated at the small things because if we aren't fighting then the conversation grows stale. i'm sorry haz, i guess that's something i need to work on myself too. i can't believe i've been such a fucking idiot by pushing you away.

as much as i hated this letter thing, i'm glad i know how you've been feeling about our relationship. i just wish it wasn't like this. i hate being in the spotlight, i hate being closeted and i hate being distant from you. the only time i can show you how much i love you is behind closed doors and i fucking hate that. i wish i could hold your hand in public and kiss you whenever i pleased. that's partly why i get agitated, because i don't feel good enough for you. you could be with someone who shows you off and can stand beside you with a smile on his face.

i want to laugh with you again, your laugh can brighten up a room. especially the unexpected loud cackle you let out sometimes, you get all embarrassed but it makes me fall in love with you even more. but i do harry, i love you more everyday, but i let my own insecurities get in the way of actually showing you.

my biggest fear is waking up alone and all that's left of us is a memory, nothing but a few of your clothes here and there and I'm alone, you're with someone new and you're happier than you were with me.

my question for you is:
what's your favorite memory of us?
mine would probably be the day you released your first album, not letting me see it beforehand. you took me by the hand and led me to the bed where you let me listen to 'sweet creature' which made me cry. i wish that i could show you that i love you like you show me.

get some sleep darling, i'm glad you're safe and sound in L.A.
i miss you.


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