The Hippogriff

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It was nearing the tournament. Mattheo and the other competitors had no option other then participating . They had spoke about it to one another, but there was simply nothing they could do. Mattheo knew that I didn't like the tournament, let alone talking to him about it. Mattheo was oddly chill, considering the tournament was only two days away.
One day, Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Mattheo and I were all in the same class, for the first time in forever. It was taught by Hagrid. The half giant, who lives near the woods in a tiny house. The one that saw Mattheo and I the day we got back from the death eaters house. Believe it or not, it get's weirder! The class was out in the middle of the woods. Meaning, quite early in the morning, the whole class had to take a very long walk.
'The class' included;
Harry, Hermione and Ron. (The Griffindor trio)
Draco, and his two puppets, Vincent Crabbe, and Gregory Goyle.
Pans, Blaise, Mattheo and I. And a few other people I don't quite know.
We were all hiking in a group, Hagrid leading us.
"Ughhhh." I groaned. Already exhausted.
"Will you stop complaining?" Draco rolled his eyes. His puppets chuckled. I still believed that Draco has them under some kind of spell, why else would they be friends with my brother?
"Will you stop breathing?" I snapped back at him.
"Oh... nice burn." He said sarcastically.
Speeding up and passing me. I stuck my leg out and he tumbled over.
"Oops." I said smiling.
"I hate you."
"Bro, your too nice." I said hand over heart.
He scoffed, as his puppets pulled him up, and they continued to walk next to me.
"You got her so good, man."
"Yeah. Totally." Draco's puppets reassured him.
"Shut up you two." He hissed. I giggled.
"Blink twice if you need help." I whispered to Gregory and Vince.
"Go away Y/n." Draco shooed me.
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I said, putting my arm over his shoulder. He squirmed away from me, pushing me off of him. I could see that smile he was hiding.
"Since you asked so nicely." I said, walking off. Pansy, Mattheo, Blaise and I laughed over the childish argument.
"Alright. We have arrived." Hagrid announced through his thick West Country accent. Everyone's the group stared in shock.
"Da da da ra ra!" Hagrid imitated trumpets while showing off a mighty creature.

(Sorry, had writers block and gave up on trying to describe this

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(Sorry, had writers block and gave up on trying to describe this.)
Everyone slowly took a step back.
"Isn't he beautiful?" Hagrid exclaimed before throwing the beast a dead weasel from his shoulder.
"Say hello to Buckbeak!" Hagrid said, as the creature caught and devoured the poor weasel.
"Hagrid? Exactly what is that?" Ron weasly asked sheepishly.
"That Ron, is a Hippogriff." He answered. "Now, the first thing you wanna know about a hippogriff, is that they are very proud creatures. very easily offended. You do not want to insult a hippogriff. It may just be the last thing you ever do..." He warned us firmly.
"Now!" He said with a clap. "Who'd like to say hello?" He asked cheerily. Everyone scampered back in fear. Harry Potter, didn't notice everyone's sudden moving, and was left cluelessly standing ahead. Hagrid saw him and admired. "Well done Harry, well done."
Harry searched around for his friends, then realising what happened. He didn't move, so Ron, leaned forward and gave him a small push forward. As Harry approached the Hippogriff, Hagrid instructed him on how to greet the amazing bird. The group leaned in with suspense. Harry, followed Hagrid's instructions, and bowed in front of the animal, keeping his distance. Harry kept low waiting for a response. The creature tilted his head at Harry. Then he spread it's mighty wings and flapped them suddenly. Causing most of us to jump with a fright. I unconsciously grabbed onto Mattheo's hand.
"Get BACK. Get back Harry." Hagrid whisper shouted at the boy. Harry warily retreated, keeping his head down. Accidentally Harry stood on a twig, making a loud snap. Harry froze. The bird stared at him for a second, before bowing back. Harry let out a breath. Hagrid congratulated him.
"Well done Harry!" He said, before throwing the creature yet another dead weasel from his shoulder. Mattheo smirked at me, and looked down at our intertwined hands. I rolled my eyes playfully. Still not letting go of his hand.
"Wow, this must be like next level up from an owl for you, huh?" Mattheo teased.
"Don't." I warned. He just chuckled.
"Go pat him." Hagrid smiled. Harry looked at Hagrid, unsure.
"Go on. Don't be shy." Hagrid encouraged him. Harry slowly made his way towards the Hippogriff. He held out his hand while walking towards it.
"Nice and slow, nice and slow." Hagrid repeated.
Draco and his puppets shoved through the crowd to get to the front. Students muttered at one another about their rudeness.
The bird looked down at Harry's palm, then snapped at it, with its humongous, strong, sharp, black beak. I looked away. Covering my eyes with Mattheo's shoulder.
"Let him come to you." Hagrid told Harry. Curious, I peaked at what was happening. The bird slowly got closer to Harry. Finally, the bird put it's large head against Harry's hand.
"Yes!" Hagrid celebrated. "Well done!" He called. "Well done!" He applauded. Everyone else joined and gave Harry a round of applause.
"You wanna ride him?" Hagrid said while sweeping Harry off the ground and carrying him to the birds back.
"HEY! Hey! Hey! Hey!" Harry fought. Hagrid placed the boy on the beast's back as it let out a squawk.
"Hold on, and don't pull out any of his feathers, he won't thank you for that." Hagrid said. Before Harry could say anything, Hagrid gave the beast a quick smack on the backside, and the mighty creature took a run up. Harry panicked and quickly took a hold of the birds neck. Jumping of the side of the cliff, the bird soared off with Harry on it's back. The glided out of sight.
"He's probably dead already." I sighed.
I spotted Pansy coming our way, and I let go of Mattheo's hand.
"Wasn't that awesome?" She said, walking over to us.
"It was alright." Draco breathed, joining us.
Hagrid spotted the bird soaring above us, and whistled for it to return.
As the bird landed, everyone clapped and cheered for him. Harry grinned.

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