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~~~~~~~Y/n POV~~~~~~~
We were awoken by Theo shaking us. As I gained consciousness I realise that Mattheo and I had move in our sleep. When we went to sleep we faced opposite ways and had a few inches between us. Now we were facing each other, one of his arms around my waist and the other under my head like my pillow. One of my hand on his chest the other around his neck. As soon as we notice we released one another and got out of the bed.
"Get off her bro. I already told you I claimed her." Theo said.
"Excuse me?" I said, hoping I had misheard him.
Theo looked at me, I could tell he totally forgot I was there.
"Oh- uhhh." He stuttered.
"You claimed me? You've claimed me now?Okay first of all, stop treating me like I'm you girlfriend, I have made it more than clear that it's never gonna happen. Second of all, I am no ones to claim. I'm leaving." I said calmly, even though on the inside my blood was boiling. I began picking up my things.
"See you Mattheo. Fuck you Theo." I said before walking out the door. There aren't words to describe how relived saying all of that made me. I had been waiting for that for 3 weeks to say that.

I stopped by my dorm, changing into my uniform and getting my books for the day. I was also hoping to get a chance to apologise to Pansy while I was there but she was no where to be seen. I checked the time, I had 20 minutes until my next class. I knew it was risky, but I couldn't help myself, just looking at my bed made me tired.
'Just for 5 minutes I told myself.' As I lay down and shut my eyes...
When I woke up I was much more energetic. I checked my phone once again. My eyes flew open, how had I managed to sleep in an extra 30 minutes then I had intended. I dashed around, gathering what I needed, and rushing off to class. I read my schedule to see which class to head to and my heart dropped when I read which class was now. Potions. Of course it was potions. Professor Snape, he's probably the worst teacher to have in this situation. I can already tell he won't show the tiniest bit of mercy, no matter what mood he's in. I got to the door, clawing at the handle. The stack of books in my arms making it extremely difficult. I finally gripped the handle and got the door open, I walked down the centre of the classroom. I felt the student's eyes on me, I kept my head down, I paused when I saw a pair of shoes standing right in front of me, blocking my path.
"Ms... Malfoy..." said the boorish, deep voice.
"Professor Snape." I replied normally.
"Your late."
"Oh, am I?" I huffed from basically sprinting all the way here.
"You just earned yourself detention ms Malfoy." He told me. All things considered, detention didn't sound all bad.
"Take a seat." He commanded.
"Yes sir." I looked around for an free desk. Coincidentally the only one available was next to Mattheo. I made my way over to the seat, thinking my day couldn't get any worse, but it can always get worse. I tripped over my self. Face planting and making books fly everywhere. The students sniggered as I pick up book by book. I reached out for the last book when someone bet me to it and handed it to me while pulling me onto my feet.
"Thank you..." I looked up to see Theo, I pulled my hand away.
"Theo." I finished my sentence.
"Can I talk to you later about this mor-" he began.
"Sit down!" Professor Snape ordered. I take my place next to Mattheo.
"You ok?" He asked me.
"I'm fine." I said.
"Why are you late anyway?"
"I fell asleep."
"5 hours wasn't enough for you?"
"No, no it wasn't."
The two of them chuckled.
"Something you two would like to share with the class?" Professor Snape growled.
"We're good thanks." Mattheo spoke back.
"And that's detention for you too mr Riddle."
"It's a date." He smirked.
"I knew it!" I whispered .
"Knew what?"
"You totally have a crush on Snape!"
"Dammit, how did you know?!"
I giggled.

The period ended, Mattheo and I made our way to the door, when Professor Snape ordered us to stop.
"Come back here at the end of your last classes." He said.
"Aye aye." I said while saluting him.
"See you then." Mattheo said.
I shoved him slightly as we left.
"Stop flirting with him, I'm right here." I joked.

We went to our other classes (seperate classes.) in my second to last period I saw Pansy. I had been looking around for her all day. She sat on the desk right in front of me.
"Pans!" I whispered.
"Pans?" I repeated.
She ignored me.
"I know you can hear me, and I'm sorry about what I said. And it's ok if you're still mad at me, I deserve it, but i wanna talk to you again. I'll do whatever you want me to, if you just talk to me... please?"
"Will you let me throw a birthday party?" She spun around.
"I'll keep it small."
"Fine, yes. Only because I don't wanna sleep in the boy's dorm again."
She laughed and we shook on it.
"Wanna help plan after class?" She offered.
"Can't, got detention."
"Wow, I never knew my best friend was such a rebel." She joked.

(A/n: can we imagine that this is based this year so we can have phones and ect.)

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