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"Please, please, please-" I basically begged my mother.
"Y/n, stop. Your father has made it perfectly clear that he does not want you attending Hogwarts!" Narcissa snapped, not even bothering to look up from her office desk.
"Besides, you'd be joining 4 years later then your supposed to." She added.
"It wouldn't make a difference! Being homeschooled, you have taught me everything any other 16 year old would know by now at Hogwarts. If not more!" I argued in an almost desperate tone.
Her head snapped towards me, her beedy-eyed glare forcing me to avert my line of vision and focus on the wooden floors beneath me.
"Don't you dare pull me into this!" She hissed. I stayed silent shifting on my feet uncomfortably. A couple seconds later she let out a defeated sigh before speaking in a less intimidating tone.
"Y/n , you're almost 17, not only is it too late, but it's also neither mine or yours decision to make. Lucius has told you more than once that you going to Hogwarts is just not an option." Neither of us spoke for a while.
The quiet was piercing.
"Why?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence.
"What?" She glanced at me, puzzled.
"Why can't I go?" I repeated.
"Y/n-" she began.
"No! I have wanting to go to Hogwarts my whole life, no matter how many times I ask you've always said no, but you have never given me a reason as to why. Why does Draco get to go and not me? Why do you go out of your way to make sure I don't meet other people?" I interrupted her.
She pinched the bridge of her nose, and squeezed her eyes close in irritation, leaning back in her chair.
"You're embarrassed of me. Aren't you? Aren't you?!" I accused.
She looked into my eyes in shock, this might be the first time she has ever seen me so angry.
"No! No of course not Y/n-" she assured me.
"Then what is it?!" i asked, not receiving a response.
After what felt like years of staring at one another she made her decision.
"Fine." She affirmed.
"You should go to Hogwarts" Narcissa agreed.
My eyes widened and my jaw dropped open slightly.
"Wait, really?" I double checked in pure disbelief.
She slowly stood, and walked over to me.
"If you can find a way to get an acceptance letter from Hogwarts, then, and only then may you go." She challenged.
A grin spread across my face. "It's a good thing I'm very persuasive." I said with a wink. She continued to keep a straight face.
I couldn't contain my excitement. "I'm gonna go write Pansy!" I said, already making my way to the door. I stopped in my tracks, turned back to Narcissa and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly. "Thank you." I whispered. So happy I was holding back tears. We broke apart and I immediately ran to my room.

Thrashing around in my drawers in search for a spare piece of paper, ink, and a feather.
I began to write:
Dear Pansy,
You won't believe what just happened.
Mrs Malfoy finally agreed to allow my attendance at Hogwarts! Though there is one problem. I may be a few years to late for an application. Now I know I already owe you... a lot. But I need one more favour. So if you love me, you will help me find a way to get in.
Thhhaaaannk yoooouuu.
Y/n, your best friend in the whole world, who loves you so very dearly.
I read over the letter now realising how annoyingly whiny it sounded, I scrunched the paper into a ball and dropped it into my trash can. There was still another week left until the school year began, I could try write it again the next day. Sighing, I looked at the time. It was only 10pm, but if there's one thing you should know about me it's that I love my sleep. Suddenly I could barely keep my eyes open. I flopped onto my bed and began to drift off, when my door flew open and an all too familiar figure stormed in.

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