Chapter 7: Harassing The Snake

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The only time a venomous snake strikes is out of self-defense. You can tell a snake is ready to strike, not only from the tightly coiled S position but also by watching its tail. The snake will move its tail into a tighter position, maybe even prop it up, for leverage. Then it slowly inches closer and closer to the prey. 

The storm started brewing inside Johnny Monday afternoon in PE. The twerp threw the ball at him. What a jerk! There he was minding his own business and that asshole made it his point to stir things up. The human body has seven trillion nerves and some people manage to get on every... single... one of them.

He let this pass, as best he could. Ava's hugs and tenderness helped soothe his worry away and practice allowed him to take his frustration out. Sensei started teaching them new kicks, which helped too. It's great because chicks dig kicks!

Tuesday started like any other day. Sunshine, blue skies, no clouds, normal California morning. Today he's taking Ava to school. He's picking her up in his convertible. Since she's never ridden on his bike before, he wants to start her out slow. Build up to it. Maybe not. Maybe he should just go in for the kill and have her ride it. It'll be a great adventure when she finally does ride the bike with him. 

He's in such a good mood, he even let Sid's argumentative snide comments go unchecked. So far this chapter of his life feels really great. It's amazing what a relationship with the right girl can do. It's like his mom, who apparently moonlights as his therapist on the side, said a long time ago. "You deserve a slow love, uncomplicated. Sure, stable, consistent. My Baby, you deserve that kind of love." 

At the time her words made him confused. He had no idea what she meant. Like he told Ava, going slow is for losers. But now... now he gets it. He understands slow and wants it. No, craves it. Slow isn't for losers, it's for winners. Except in racing, then slow is totally for losers. 

When he pulled into her driveway, he parked and went to the door. Her brother answered it. They both narrowed their eyes at each other. "Hey Barf Face, it's your lover boy!" the idiot yelled. He ran off into some other part of the house.

With an aggregated frown, Johnny stood there shaking his head. One day the kid is going to mouth off and catch him at the wrong time. Like his sister's an actual Barf Face. She's anything but. She's hotter than Ali, and he thought Ali was gorgeous. But she's more than a pretty face. It's Ava's kind spirit that really wow's him. That's what attracted him to her in ninth grade. She hasn't lost it over the years either. She spreads love and sunshine wherever she goes. 

He waited patiently for her to come down the stairs. And he's glad he did because she looks smokin' in her white overalls. She has them rolled up past her ankles, which are shown off by the heeled sandals on her feet. Underneath the sleeveless pastel purple tee accentuates her arms. She's pretty, pretty hot.

As she neared him, with a bright smile on her face, his heart picked up speed. Throwing her arms around his neck, she greeted him. "Hi, Hot Shot." He embraced her back. "Thanks for helping me with my math homework last night."

With a low murmur, he said "Anytime Buttercup." He likes calling her that name too. One of her favorite movies is Princess Bride. Sometimes he'll even say "As you wish" for good measure. 

"Have you eaten Johnny?" she asked. When she saw him shake his head no, she pulled him by the hand into the kitchen. There both of them sat and ate some fruit and yogurt, and washed it down with coffee (her) and orange juice (him). Then they cleaned up their mess and headed out the door. 

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