Day One

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**Warning!  Mature content in this chapter**

"To a certain idiot from Delaware,

If you are reading this, then I have some bad news.  We will never see or speak to each other again, at least not in this life.  It is hard to live a life where nothing seems worth living for anymore.  I won't be graduating from high school with my friends because I am failing English.  My mom is hounding me over every little thing, acting like I haven't thought of looking for a job or getting my license.  Lance hasn't spoken to me since he got back from Florida.  What did I do to make him mad at me?  To make him not want me?  Who would ever want someone so broken?  I've done so many things I don't want to admit.  So many things that I am not proud of one bit.  I want to die and I am going to make it happen.

Also, I wanted you to know that I fell for an idiot in Delaware.  For the past few months, you gave me so much joy and happiness.  I couldn't wait to get home and get on to say hi to you.  I thought about your day and what we were going to discuss tonight.  The way you seemed interested in ME as a person and not like I was a sex object, unlike most guys around our age, was so welcome and amazing.  Please never change that about you.  The girl who ends up being with you is absolutely the luckiest woman in the world.  I couldn't help but be jealous of a woman I will never meet.  Maybe in another life, that woman could be me.  To love you, everyday would be a grand adventure, filled with so much love and happiness.  I would have done anything to make you happy, to give you what you truly deserved.  

Anyway, the edge of my knife is too clean and it is thirsty for blood.  I'm going to give it what it wants and maybe I will see you in the next life.  Billy, I love you with all my heart.  I'm sorry.



As she looked down at the note, Kimberly smiled with a tear in her eyes.  Tomorrow was the end.  She would finally be free of her pain.  She tucked the letters between her mattress and the wall in her room and drifted off to sleep.  Tomorrow was a big day after all.

<Billy's POV>

"Billy!  Earth to Billy!"

Billy jolted from his thoughts as he sat in front of Colby.  His mind had been thinking of everything that had happened lately, from the failures with Melissa to thinking of how Kim was doing.  

"What were you saying man?"

"Well I was saying before you went off the reservation, Iron Will, was that we are going to be having a big get together this weekend and wondering if you had gotten any calls from any stores to book you yet."

"No.  No stores have asked for me this weekend."

"Well you are booked now.  Plans for Pecos Billy this weekend are to get drunk and play Cards Against Humanity.  And eat a ton of tacos that Janet is making."

"Dude, count me so in.  I absolutely love Janet's cooking."

As Billy and Colby laughed and headed back to Colby's place, Billy's mind was on something huge that was gonna happen this weekend.  He was going to tell Kim the truth.  He was going to tell her that he was, in fact, a 34 year old guy.  He knew that she would block him faster than you can say the word creep, but he was hoping that just maybe she would stay and continue being his friend.  All that he had ever wanted was to simply be one of those important friends that you only get once in a lifetime.  Every time that they talked he wanted more and more.  It was like talking to her was a drug and Billy was hooked.  He knew it wasn't going to be fun, that she would chew him out if she said anything at all before blocking him.

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