Chapter 10

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Vihaan's POV

“Taniya in my office now." I order in the intercom. She comes after two minutes.

“Yes sir?"

“Tell everyone that I would be taking the meeting in next 2 hours instead of tomorrow and tell them to be ready with their plan." I reply.

“About that sir I c-can't there is a problem."

I arch my eyebrow.

Seeing her hesitating I say “And what is the problem dear taniya?"

“Sir it's Mrs Malhotra. She has ordered me to clear up all of your appointments for the whole day."

Damn. Now what is mom thinking? Already my mood since Disha left is sour and now this.

“Then what did you do?" She better not have cancelled my appointments. I have a very important meeting with one of the best business man of Europe Mr enzo in the evening.

“Sir I didn't had a choice. She threatened to get me fired if I didn't do what she ask me to do."

“Taniya who pays you." I grit out. She is very good in her work but sometimes she acts like a complete fool.

“You sir."

“Remember that everytime someone threatens you about getting you fired. Now leave. You can go home for today." Throwing the pen on the table I let my head rest on the head rest. My phone rings. I pick it up but instantly regret it.


“What dad?" I glare at the fall infront of me.

“What you pulled yesterday was very dangerous. It was very careless of you. And you even had her at your mansion for a whole night. It's good that no one in media knows about that mansion of yours. But what if someone did had recognised you when you were with her. Not........"

“Dad but no one saw me us you don't have to take stress and take a chill pill. And stop having your men behind me." I grumble. I had totally forgotten about dad's men. Fucking stalkers.

“Next time don't you dare to cut me......" I snicker. “So I was just saying that you both should not be seen together. It would not turn out to be good for us as well as for Disha if you both are seen together. Already the fans of you both are going blastic on social media saying that Disha is back then their favourite couple will also be back. So be careful." With that he ends the call. I throw the phone on the table and twirl my seat towards the floor to ceiling window.

Dad is right about one thing. I can't have media annoying Disha.

But today waking up with disha beside me was so beautiful. I had totally forgotten how good it used to feel to wake up beside Disha. And I didn't know when I went in a deep slumber while watching her face. And when I woke up again to only see her removing the bracelet which I had unconsciously bought for her. And I don't know why but seeing her leaving sneakily I got angry. So I started talking rudely to her. So that she can be hurt.

But seeing her crying in frustration the anger immediately blew away in the thin air. But I wanted to tease her so I continued torturing her. I don't know why I let her leave on her know. Maybe because I was more emersed in all the bullshit which she talked about. Sure our life has changed but the love which we have for both of us has not changed. But disha's eyes were saying something else. I know she still loves me even if she denies it our whole life. But her eyes has totally lost the hope for us. I am sure the love if she still has for me will give rise to the bud of the hope and that bud will turn into a flower of hope eventually. I just have to wait.

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