Chapter 20

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Disha's POV

“That's the reason I hate babies." I hear him mumble or was it my imagination. Before I can think more on it I get distracted by ro as I see him crawling towards the edge of the bed. I run to another direction of the bed as I see ro reaching the edge of the bed. And in a lightning speed I take him in my arms before his hands can go any further.

He starts laughing as if he found that funny. I take a breath of relief and say “You love to make troubles for me, huh? You naughty boy." I spin him as his voice echoes in the room. I stop spinning him as it will make him dizzy.

As I put him down he instantly takes his thumb in his mouth. He starts sucking it.

So cute.

His looking so cute with his thumb in his mouth. But suddenly I realised that even if that is cute it's not healthy. I very softly jerk his thumb out of his mouth. But he again puts it in his mouth.

Maybe his hungry.

With that conclusion I take him downstairs. Because I don't think vihaan can do correctly what I told him to do. While going down I kept removing his thumb out of his mouth. But I guess he got irritated by my this continuous act for he started crying. I try to stop him from crying even as far as putting his thumb back in his mouth. But nothing works. I start getting anxious seeing very big tears dropping from his eyes one by one nonstop. I pat him on his back, make funny faces but it doesn't work. Suddenly his crying stops as his lips twist in a laugh and he start giggling with tears in his eyes.

“Now you are laughing, huh after troubling me." I comment as a breath of relief escapes my lips.

“Di-disha." I hear vihaan's voice. I realise that I am in the kitchen. Stopping ro from crying made me blur out everything from around me. I glance at front and my eyes widens.

“What the hell happened here? And....what are you doing their." I say as I find vihaan in the kitchen with a bowl in his hand mixing something. But the thing which shocks me more is his appearance and the kitchens appearance. White patches are all over his clothes. The kitchen is a mess with utensils scattered all over the slab.

“I am doing what you told me." he replies. He keeps the bowl on the island and backs away from it as if telling me he is the victim.

“Did I told you to make a mess of the kitchen?" I ask.

For god sake this is not our kitchen. How can he make a mess off it. I have to clean it before aunty can return.

“You asked me to make that annoying baby....."

“Vihaan you can't call him that. His sweet and...cute, adorable and so more." I say.

“Yeah for you not for me. His just annoying and a attention seeker." He replies with a glare intact on ro.

“You are been childish." I comment.

“No I am totally serious." he replies with a very serious look. I shook my head. I glance all around the kitchen.

It will take time to make it like it was before.

“So have you made something?" I ask. I walk towards him. While walking I had to be careful not to put my foot on the juices and some powder spilled on the floor.

“Ofcourse. It was hard know I haven't even ever boiled a water." He says with pride. I glance in the bowl and it doesn't looks edible. Not even a bit. I look up to see vihaan with a ‘I am waiting for a comment' look. I give him a small smile.

“It....looks good. But I think....." Suddenly ro's hand comes flying on the bowl and all the ingredients falls on vihaan. “ro doesn't needs that." I slowly complete my sentence as I wait for some reaction from him. The only thing I can hear is ro's laughing.

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