Chapter 15

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Vihaan's POV

I groan in extreme headache. My head is paining so much that even a slightest bit of movement is making me sick. But still bearing the pain I open my eyes consciously but I had to instantly close it. I try to move my hands but something restricts me. I open my mouth to say something to only find it extremely scratchy.

What happened? Where am I? Wasn't I flying to England.

Again I open my eyes but dizziness hits me in a lightning speed making me again close my eyes. I try to stand up from my seating position but again I get restricted by something. My legs are also numb from seating in this hard chair for I don't know how many days. Having my eyes close my ears are sensitive to sounds. I try to listen to anything even a slightest bit of sound but except a water dripping sound I hear none.

“He......" I stop myself instantly from uttering anything as I hear walking sound. And it sure doesn't sounds of only one person. I let my head fall in a sleeping position. I know I have been kidnapped. And I can't be stupid enough to let them know I am conscious.

The rattling sound of a door opening resonates in my ear and after few seconds I get hit on my leg as some person says sarcastically “Wakie wakie your highness." Not finding any answer he grunts “What the hell dude didn't you say he would be awake till now? How much dose did you give him to make our prince this much unconscious, huh?"

“I told you that he should be awake. I am......" I feel that person's intense gaze on me as if trying to see even the slightest proof of my consciousness “sure that he is awake. He must be faking it."

“Don't talk shit." the one with sarcasm says.

From their talking I have come to know that they are Italian as they are talking with their huge Italian accent.

I move my body slightly and make a grunting sound as if I have woken up.

“See told you."

“Finally our prince has woken up." the sarcastic one says. I flick my eyes open and this time the world is not moving that much thankfully. I come across with two men. One is bald and most likely the sarcastic one and other is with a short height maybe of 5'5".

“Who are you people? Where am I?" I give them a panic look. I move my eyes around and see that I am been kept in a small room with a small bulb hanging on the ceiling which is most likely is going to fuse. At the very corner there is tap from which water is dripping.

How did they were able to kidnap me?

I tilt my head down to see my both hands tied down to the chair as well as my legs. I move my eyes behind them to have a look of what is outside of this room as the door is behind them but get blocked by the shorty.

“Aye where do ya looking at?" the bald one says. I don't reply. “Anyway open your mouth your highness." I don't comply. “It's for your own good." He throws a water bottle. It first hits my chest then it falls on my lap, finally it rolls down to the ground.

“What do you want?" I ask.

“Oh that you would come to know from our sir. Drink that and don't be afraid I have not mixed anything in it. We want you all good and fine." the shorty says.

I snicker at that. They sure need me.

They free my hand. I bend down and take the bottle. “You both drink first." I say. I am sure that they will not mix anything that would be dangerous to my life but there is no doubt that they can mix something to knock me out.

They both roll their eyes but nevertheless they take the bottle from my hand and drink it. I wait for few minutes. No finding any effect on them I take the bottle from them. I gulp down whole remaining contain.

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