When You're {Coffee} Jelly

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Kusuo Saiki

You and Saiki weren't the most open about your relationship, but some people still knew you both were together. Somehow, Teruhashi didn't get the memo and tried being flirty with Saiki. She wasn't the only one though, Mikoto and Yumehara also didn't get the memo. All three were in front of your boyfriend's desk, flirting and asking for him to hang out. You saw his face, which looked mortified and distressed. You knew he hated being the center of attention, but for once, being the center of attention would save him—kind of.

You strolled on over to your boyfriend and sat on his desk, leaning over to plant a needy kiss on his lips. He kissed back after what felt like forever, and there were gasps throughout the room. When you leaned back, Saiki smirked, and you could see the pissed-off faces of the girls. Saiki was your man, not theirs.

Kusuke Saiki

The thought of being in college never truly dawned on you until today.

Your boyfriend and you were, of course, the youngest in the college. Most people around the campus knew your age and status, but then there was this freshman. Don't get the narrator wrong; she seemed nice, but the more she flirted with Kusuke, the more you wanted to hit her. The sad part was that Kusuke didn't tell her to stop.It's almost like he didn't care that she was all up in his business. Storming off to your dorm, you pouted. After about five minutes, your boyfriend strolls in, smirking.

"I only like you~. It's funny to see you upset." Of course, he didn't find it funny that he slept on the floor that night.

Shun Kaido


She couldn't get over Kaido, and it drove you insane. She kept popping up out of nowhere while you and Kaido were on dates. She just strolls up and plays the third wheel, and Kaido had no clue since they were 'friends.' Since Kaido was such a cinnamon roll, he couldn't understand Yumehara's advances. Finally, after she sabotages the sixth date, you tear up and walk away from them. They would look cute together.

"Serves her right. You're my man." Kaido quickly pushed Yumehara off him and ran to you. You were pretty upset, but after being hugged, kissed, cuddled, and getting snacks, you finally cheered up. Now, every time Yumehara graces you with her presence Kaido hugs you close and walks in the opposite direction of her.

Riki Nendo

Not a lot of girls liked Nendo, and you had no clue why. He was kind, affectionate, funny, and he took care of you. Gladly, you had no competition. That is unless you count the hamster. You and Kiriko #2 have an...odd relationship. You might be going crazy, but that hamster makes a scene so Nendo won't pay attention to you. You've seen its tiny, beady glare and its little smirks. It knows you love Nendo and it wants to make sure you can't be near your man.

On this certain occasion, Kiriko #2 was in Nendo's pocket and when you went to hold his hand, she bit you. When this happened, Kiriko #2 fell out of Nendo's pocket. Being near the beach meant that there were seagulls. One seagull was eyeing up Kiriko #2. You saw the fear in the hamster's eyes. You picked her up and whispered," You'll swim with the fishes if you bite me again." Perfect pet ever since!

Aren Kuboyasu

You don't get jealous that often. Aren never gave you a reason to feel that way. However, this girl from class rubbed you the wrong way. It was so sudden, you and Aren both were at a loss. She one day just started to openly flirt with Aren while snickering at you. Almost everyone knew you both were dating and you bet she did too, so was she just stupid? You had no idea, but Aren asked her several times to stop and that he was dating someone already. She would continue to hug him with a pout. It started to take time away from you to spend with your own partner. That is when jealousy and anger hit full force. You only felt anger, and at that moment that emotion drove you to punch her so hard you heard a thunk as her head hit the floor.

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