Chapter seventeen: Deadly Life

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"A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time, which you may use however you like, the class trial will begin!"

You ran in the room. Hina was still in the doorway. "Sakura's...dead...? She's really dead...?" Hina said stunned. She sounded so broken. "We didn't make it in time. It's happened again." Hina went to get the others clearly not okay. "Why? Why did this have to happen?" That's all Makoto could say. This feeling. This feeling you felt. You haven't felt it before. It was...true despair. "I need to examine Sakura's body." Kyoko then checked her body. Your eyes lost half of the life in them. Hina then showed up with everyone. "Ahh! Ogre!?" Hiro yelled stunned. "Oh. So she's dead huh?" Jill said. "Sakura's been killed? I see..." Byakuya said. Emotionless as ever. "I know who did it! It was one of you! Hiro, Byakuya or Toko!" Hina yelled tears in her eyes. Then Monokuma handed out the Monokuma file. Hina and Kyoko will do guard duty. Hina refused to let Byakuya, Hiro and Toko-Well Toko's body in the room. "How about a compromise. Just let me in. You don't really care do you? Your both useless anyway." Byakuya said. "Nope don't really care! I'd rather spend my time coming up with another fantasy involving mistress anyway!" Jill said proudly. "Ohmagod..." You said from embarrassment putting your face into your hands. Eventually Hina agreed.

You read the Monokuma file. Your face had no expression. Which matched you perfectly. You didn't feel anything. You were like the demo version of yourself. All the brains but none of those pesky emotions. You looked towards the door. There was a drink next to all the glass. Then there was a thought in the back of your mind. "What She wouldn't." Now for Sakura. Next to her on the floor was a wrapper. "Ah!" Hina made a noise. "Do you recognize this?" You asked in a monotone voice. "Well yeah. I gave it to her. After we left the nurses office I gave it to her. I thought it might help calm her down a little. I found a big box of it in the warehouse. As soon as we could get into the warehouse I took the entire box. I made sure nobody else could get their hands on 'em." You took a mental note. She teared up at the end but you didn't feel any empathy. You knew your mental health was fucked now, but you didn't care. In this place, your sanity doesn't matter. There were shards of glass around the chair Sakura's on. Based on the way they look it must have been a bottle. You noticed there was a Monokuma figure with a chess piece. A Monokuma chess piece.

As you got up you saw some blood near the magazine rack. Then you saw there were four red bottles. One of the bottles was missing. Based on the chess pieces. Must be the bottle on the floor. You looked in the locker. There were hand prints. They were on the smaller side too. Definitely not Sakura's. You them went to the room you and Toko shared. "Hey Toko..." It was awkward but you needed this info. "Did Sakura ask you to meet with her?" She froze when you asked that. "Tell me what happened." You said. The normal kindness in your voice gone. While your voice was neutral she looked scared to tell you. "Toko I know you or Jill didn't do it. I'll be there for you in the trial, just tell me what happened." You said. "I d-didn't go see her. Y-Yes I did get the note, but I was t-to scared to go. Is that good enough?" She replied. You were taken aback by her attitude. You knew you shouldn't talk to her about now. But you were internalizing and so was she. This wasn't gonna end well. You left to the chem lab. Something was spilled on the floor and there are footprints. Before you could investigate the shelves, Monokuma said it's time for the trial.

"Let's start off-"
"We already know who did it! One of the people who killed Sakura...was Toko, Byakuya, or Hiro!" Well that escalated quickly. "Idiot." Byakuya retorted. "I d-didn't have anything t-to do with it!" Toko said. "Yeah! I'd never kill someone! No way!" Hiro also said. You sighed. "I don't wanna do this anymore..." Nobody heard that thankfully.

"It was one of you. One of you killed Sakura!" Hina said confidently. "And what reason do you have for saying so?" Byakuya asked. "Because you all had a motive! You hated her!" Hina replied. "Is that it? That doesn't make any sense..." Byakuya stated. "That's it? That's the only reason your accusing us?"

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