Chapter six

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"I assert that the one who was murdered, was miss Sayaka Maizono!" Taka yelled probably not thinking before he talked. "Yeah we know that part already." Hiro said. "And the murder took place in Makoto's room." Togami said. "Specifically in the bathroom." You added on. "So it seems most likely that...she was taken by surprise while she was in the bathroom. She didn't even have a chance to resist...

"No that's wrong!"

Makoto sudden yelled. "Just a second Chihiro. Try to remember how my room looked. With the way things have been damaged, I think we can definitely assume there was a struggle." He said. "A struggle? Between who...and who?" "Between the killer and Sayaka obviously." You said. "She must have been attacked in the main room first, then she ran to the bathroom to try and hide." Celeste explained. "That much should have been obvious after taking one look at the scene. It shouldn't even need explaining." Togami stated. "Sorry..." Chihiro apologized.

Next is the murder weapon.

"So what was used to kill her?" Sakura asked. "There was some kind of sharp object thrust into her stomach... Without a doubt, that is the murder weapon!" Taka answered. "So the killer used some random knife they had on 'em..." Mondo said.

"No, that's wrong!"

"It was a kitchen knife. We found out one of the knives from the kitchen was missing." Makoto said. "Which means that knife must be the murder weapon." Sakura finished. "Okay we all know it's a kitchen knife, but where does that get us? I mean, we all know Makoto killed her, right!?" Leon said. "That's r-right. Makoto's room was the s-scene of the crime. What more proof do you need?" Toko added on.

"Hold on a second! I'm...!" Makoto said frantic. "Let's draw our conclusions after we've presented our arguments. Otherwise, what's the point of the trial?" Kyoko said. "I second that!" You said. "Well we can talk all we want, it's not gonna change the consusion." He said. "I don't think so. Something new should reveal itself if we keep talking." You said.

"So I guess there's no question that the kitchen knife was the murder weapon. But where does that get us?" Leon asked. "M-makoto must have taken it from the kitchen right? He did in s-secret when nobody was in the d-dining hall..."

"No that's wrong!"

"I didn't take the knife from the kitchen! I have a witness! Hina, remember what you were telling me earlier? Just to be perfectly clear, the knife disappeared while you were in the dining hall right?" He said. Hina agreed. "And at any point while you were there, did you ever see me come into the dining hall?" He asked. She said she didn't think so. Toko was wondering if Hina and Makoto are teaming up. But Monokuma shut that down. Hina then revealed Sayaka was the one who took the knife.

Then Kyoko pointed out there wasn't a single hair on the floor. Proving the culprit removed some evidence. And it helped clear Makoto's name. But not completely. Then they mentioned the door nob handle on his bathroom. Hina then asked how the culprit got into Makoto's room. Makoto said she was scared and wouldn't just let anybody in. Kyoko them said what if her being scared was a lie. She then presented note from Sayaka the proved her point. Makoto had to say the nameplates were switched to help with the point.

"What happened then probably... Whoever she invited came in, and attacked her! We know who did it! Whoever she invited over is the culprit!" Taka yelled. "But we still don't know who it is ya goddamn idiot!" Mondo replied. "Sayaka fought with her killer yes? Perhaps the answer to our previous question lies in the initial struggle." Celeste said. Kyoko agreed. "That reminds me... There was a replica sword at the crime scene. Was that perhaps used during the fight?" Sakura said. "Sayaka suggested I hold on to it. I thought it might come in handy if I had to defend myself. Seems pretty likely that the killer used it to break Sayaka's right wrist." Makoto said. "How can you know that's what broke her wrist?" Leon asked. "Look at the broken wrist. Right at the main point where it's swollen, there's glitter. It's the same from the sword." You said. "You barely had to touch that stuff and it'll stick right to you." Makoto added on.

Makoto said he didn't think the fight started with the sword. Since the sheath had been scratched. Kyoko then said it probably was the knife that did it.

"So the culprit came in, found the kitchen knife hidden somewhere... Then they took the knife and attacked Sayaka before she knew what was happening! So she grabbed the sore to defend herself, but then they took that too! Then after they broke her wrist with the sword, they took the knife and....finished it..." Taka said. "I'm sure Sayaka didn't hold the sword." You said. "What!? How the hell can you not think that!?" Leon asked. "Because she never held the sword at all. There's a certain part of her body that makes this clear." Kyoko said. "Your talking about her palms right? The palms of her hand were perfectly clean so I don't think she picked up the sword." Makoto said. "How can you know that?" Hina asked. "Like Makoto said, the gold coating comes right off after one touch. And a lot of the golf on the handle is off." You said.

"Maybe she w-washed her hands after she e-escaped into the bathroom..." Toko said. "I don't think so." You were about to explain when you got cut off. "Why d-do you say that? Is it b-because you think I'm ugly?"
"Uh-er-i- No! That's not it at all! The water is shut off at nighttime." You said back. "Oh...I didn't know that. Actually...I haven't taken a shower here yet." She said. "Oh my..." Hifumi said. You're no different! You s-smell like a big f-fat ugly donkey!" She retorted. "I'm not sure whether to take that as an insult or a compliment!" He said. "An insult dumbass." You said.

"Anyway, if Sayaka never touch the sword then that means, the killer is the only one who used the sword. If that's right then the one who damaged the sheath with the kitchen knife..." Taka said. "Sayaka." You stated. "She had the kitchen knife?" Makoto asked shocked. It was then confirmed the one who attacked first, was Sayaka. She in fact, tried to be the murderer.

"It's easy to say decide who did it! But there just aren't any more clues right?" Leon said.

"Like hell that's right!"

"Don't tell me you forget about her dying message." You said. "What did you say?" Leon asked. "The dying message. She wrote something on the wall behind her. 11037, written in her own blood. That's gotta be a clue." Kyoko said. "What the heck do those numbers mean?" Hina asked. "They aren't numbers! If you rotate it you get, L E O N. And we all know that spells Leon!" You said full confidence. "What the hell are you talking about? It's just a coincidence!" He said. "Yes because coincidences like this happen. Makoto you take this over I don't want to deal with his poor excuses." You said. He turned to you and nodded. Makoto then went on a roll.

That night the killer went into the room Sayaka was in. Invited them over to kill them. She attacked them with the knife. But then they grab the fake sword and fought back. During the struggle a strike from The sword broke her wrist. And that's when she lost her grip on the kitchen knife. She then ran into the bathroom. The killer went after her but couldn't get the bathroom door open. They used the toolkit to get into the bathroom. Then they stab sayaka. But with what strength she had remaining she left the dying message. To keep the killer from noticing she wrote it on the wall behind her. And if that she died. The killer then took off their shirt. Then they took the lint roller and cleaned up the entire area. Afterwards the killer head to the trash room to destroy their shirt. So they use the crystal to turn on the incinerator. Having destroyed the final piece of evidence they left, but they didn't know a piece of the shirt they thrown into the fire burned away and fell off. And with that Leon was exposed as the murderer.

"Looks like you reached your verdict! Then are we ready to cast our votes? You all have a lover in front of you use it to make your selection. Oh just to remind you all make sure you vote for someone you wouldn't want to be punished for something so minor right? Who will be chosen as the blackened? Will you make the right choice or the dreadfully wrong one? What's it going to be what's it going to be!!??"

You all then pulled the lever and Leon was voted out. Monokuma said we were right. There was some talking but it wasn't important. "Let's hurry up and get to what everyone's been waiting for! The punishment!" He said. "I'm begging you! Please don't do this!!" Leon begged crying from fear. "No more baggie no more excuses you must pay the penalty for breaking the rules!" He said. "Stop please!!"
"Now then I've prepared a very special punishment for Leon Kuwata the ultimate baseball star!"
"No! No! No! No! No!"
"Let's give it everything we've got! It's...punishment time!"

Leon stood still and looked at everyone. You all just stared. But soon something went around his neck and dragged him away. Everyone else was told to go to a room in the back. He was tied to a pole. You noticed a baseball score board above him. There was a machine used to shoot baseballs there. He then started to get pummeled by the baseballs. And one final string of them went straight for his head. And by the time Monokuma was done, he never moved again.

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