Chapter twelve

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Hiro started screaming. "Calm down it's an frikin AI." You said. And then after Kyoko explained it to everyone Hifumi had to go and make it weird. She talked to Alter Ego for a while. This turned out to be a breakthrough. He said he'd scream if he saw anyone suspicious but because of our bedrooms being soundproof that wasn't the most reliable plan. So Makoto said we should take turns guarding this place at nighttime. But Kyoko shut that down since the mastermind would notice. Kyoko said she'd leave her door open. They finished talking to it. And with that everyone started to leave. Hina let out a joyful shout. "What's going on that's so great?" Monokuma asked. "You all seem in remarkably good spirits. Did something happen?" You froze trying to think up an excuse. "We were just talking about going to the bathhouse. But unfortunately the bath house is not divided into men and women sections. So we decided to do rock paper scissors to decide which group would go first. Hina won the match for us and that is why we are also pleased." Hina went along with it and told the boys to leave. "Aw jeez I mean what're you gonna do right? We lost fair and square." Hiro said. "Well ladies? Shall we go?" With that you and the other girls went back into the dressing room.

By the time everyone was done it was close to nighttime. Everyone went to do their own thing. You planned to spend the night with Toko again. And she liked that. However Monokuma told everyone to meet in the gym. "Oh god not another motive..." You said. The two of you then made your way to the gym.

You and Toko were actually early. Byakuya being the only one there. Byakuya made an empty threat to the others once they got there. Celeste looked over at you two. "Same as always, her on the other hand." She said that looking at Toko. She stuck with you during the bath so I guess they didn't notice. "Oh she's back to her Debbie downer self huh?" Hiro said. "Yes, she's the host." You said. Hifumi made a negative comment. "Why does e-everyone keep making fun of me..? I hope you all win the lottery and get hit b-by a b-bus..." You stopped listening and waited for Monokuma.

So the motive was money. Pretty basic for a motive. But you knew it might be basic, but it's effective. Not to long after Monokuma left the nighttime announcement played. You and Toko went straight to bed. You were to scared to sleep alone. Not because of survival, but just fear. "Y-your an idiot for trusting a serial killer." She said. "No I'm just gen z." You said. The look on her face you could tell the conversation was gonna become serious. "Why do you not l-like me? Is it because of what I just said? Or maybe it's because you think I'm ugly! Why are you still here!? Or maybe your here for HER-" You put your hands on hers. She got quiet quickly. "I care about you. Your my friend and so is Jill. I care about you both. Your not ugly and I just... want to wait on romance. Not here. In a place like this." You said. She looked conflicted. She then suddenly cuddle up next to you. Her face in your chest. "Toko!?"
"D-don't say anything!" You just held her close.

That night you didn't have any nightmares. However you woke up before the morning announcement. She ended up waking up too. "Oh sorry." You said. "No it's fine..." She said putting on her glasses. She was gonna get dressed when you asked her a question. "Why didn't you bathe with the rest of us yesterday?" She urked at that. "I..." You moved your head silently saying go on... "I hate water...I'm scared of it...Go ahead and laugh!" But you didn't. "I mean I understand." You knew phobias like this probably are from trauma, at least if it's this bad. "But you need to shower." She looked away. "Is there any way I can help?" You asked without thinking. "Uh!? What do you mean by that!? If your trying to get under my skirt then-" You waved your hands. "No! It's not like that. could take a sponge bath? Or..." You said trying to think of something. "Well..."
So in the end she went on about how is she bathed you might like her. Her delusional side coming out. However you could hear her struggling. You thought at one point you heard sniffles and it broke your heart. Once she was done you hugged her. "Huh!?" She said shocked. "I'm proud of you." You said. She blushed. Then the morning announcement played. Toko went to braid her hair and you went on ahead.

You noticed Taka wasn't there. You thought for a moment while the others talked. You went to the kitchen and got an apple. You then washed and and left. You went over to Taka's room. You knocked on his door. "Taka? It's me..." You said. It took an abnormally long time but he opened it. "Hey can I..." Before you could ask if you could come in he just went back to his bed. You shut the door as you went in.
"I um... brought you some food. It's an apple! And butter doesn't go on apples. I can wash it again in the sink in front of you if that will help. But please eat." You said holding out the apple. It took a while. Like a long while but he eventually ate it. "Thank you. I'm proud of you." You said smiling. He looked up at you. "I'm here if you need anything." You headed to the door. "You'll be okay alright. It's a promise. Because you have me."

You had some free time now. Before you could do anything you were tackled to the ground. "Mistress I found you! Were you playing hide and seek?" You rolled your eyes. "No Jill I was with Taka. And no don't kill him, he needed help." She looked down at you smirking. "I do like the position we're in~" Annnd with that you rolled her off you. "What??? Not even a kiss. That's not fair." She then got back on top of you before you could stand up. She leaned in but you rolled her off again but this time you were on too. "Now this is new! Usually when I find something I like I get it!" You leaned close to her ear. "Not with me." She blushed and shivered at that. You chuckled. You won against a killer. Then she sneezed. "Uh...!?" You quickly got off of her. "What were? Did she?" You shaked your head. Nothing that bad. Just one of her games. I'm gonna move some of my stuff in your room, since I'm staying there." She nodded. You did so. You talked Toko into finally eating something so she left to the dinning hall.

You shut your door and let out a sigh of relief. Finally your done. You looked up and saw Taka walking towards you. "Oh hey. What's up?" You asked. "Is it true? Can I really...see Chihiro?" He asked. "Uh you mean Alter Ego?" You asked. "He's...still alive?" Taka asked again. "Um not exactly..." You said not sure how to respond. "Let me see...I want to him..." He said. You were conflicted. You knew this was probably against the rules couldn't leave him like this. He went to you because you said you'd help in anyway you could. "Okay." You said. You unconsciously grabbed his hand and you two went down the hall.
"Where are you going?" Shit. You turned to your left and saw Kyoko. Shit shit. "It's probably best you don't drag him around with you to much, given his current condition." She said. "Yeah I know. But you know he hasn't been eating and I'm trying to help." She bought it, at least for the most part and left. You weren't lying necessarily...but you weren't telling her the truth either. You two then went into the bathhouse.

"So there is a laptop here in the locker. And there is a program on it called Alter Ego." You said as you turned on the laptop. "How do to him?" He asked. "Tell me what you want to say and I'll type it in for you." You said. "Do you hate me? Since I couldn't stop you hate me?" It was clear he was forcing those words out. "Please." You nodded. "Okay." You typed the questions exactly how Taka asked them. "Do you hold yourself responsible? If master could talk right now, I think this is what he'd say. Please live your life for the both of us. It's impossible for me now, but you can still survive and escape-all of you." Alter Ego said. Taka remained silent. "Taka..." Alter Ego then said Taka was asking those questions right. The screen suddenly went dark. But then on the screen. Was Mondo. "You're not letting yourself get crushed under the weight of that responsibility are you!?" Taka suddenly for the first time since the trail, had a reaction. "A man's only worth as much as the load he can carry! You get it, right bro? Hell what am I saying? Of course ya do!" Then it went back to Chihiro. You were surprised by this. The it went back to Mondo and he said a big more. This was his attempt to simulate Mondo.

You then heard Taka make a noise. Kinda like a laugh but it's not. "Taka?" You asked. "It's starting to sink in... The way a bucket full of water sinks into a dry sponge... Those words deep within my heart! They're inside of me!" Then he let out a scream making you cover your ears. You ended up shutting your eyes too. When you looked up you saw him. But his hair...his eyebrows... "Taka!? What??" You said completely confused. "Who the fudge is Taka!? I'm MEEEEEE!!!" He then ran out yelling that. "Wait!" You said. You were about to run after Hina when someone stood in your way. Kyoko. Shit shit shit!!! "What do you think your doing?" This is how I die! It was nice was it lasted. "I-he-we- I never lied! I was trying to help him!" You said. "Don't go around doing whatever you like. It causes problems. And not just for me, for everyone." She said. "I-I'm sorry..." You said. "If you're really sorry you'll get out of here. Now."

You then went to Toko's room. As now it's pretty much yours too. "I fucked up."

Toko Fukawa x fem reader  Danganronpa trigger happy havocOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora