Chapter five: To survive

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It was the next day. You went to the dinning hall and a few people were already there. Taka, Chihiro, Hina, Sakura and Makoto. Slowly one by one everyone arrived. "Wait aren't we still missing some people?" Taka said. "Yeah Sayaka and Byakuya aren't here yet." Hina said.

"What's going on? Did something happen?" Togami asked coming into the room. "Hey man, have you seen Sayaka?" Mondo asked. "Why would I have? I just came straight from my room to here." He replied. "Did she forget about our breakfast promise?" Hifumi asked. "I got the sense she always has her stuff together..." You agreed with her. But you started to get worried. Paranoia thanks to yesterday set in. You saw Makoto looking like he felt the same way. "I need to go... I need to go check on her!" Makoto said. "I'll go too!" You said. Your sentences were maybe two seconds apart. And before anyone could object you both were out of there. "Is she in her room?" You asked while you both were running. "No. She's on mine, last night we swapped rooms."

The two of you then made it to his room but... There were scratch marks on the walls and tables were flipped over. It looked like a crime scene. "Wh-what the hell!?" Makoto said shocked at what he was seeing. While you were looking at the signs of struggle he went to the bathroom. You heard him screaming. He then fainted. You went over to him. "Naegi! Na-" You stopped once you looked up and saw what made him faint. Sayaka in the bathroom dead. She was stabbed to death. You thought you were frozen again but turns out just like Makoto you were screaming too. You flew back and your back hit the bed. You don't know what happened after that. Guess from the shock you blocked it out.

Next thing you knew you were in the gym. Makoto was out on a bench. He then woke up. "It wasn't a dream!? What I saw was real!?" He said standing up. "That's right. It really did happen. Sayaka is dead." Togami said. He took of running. "Where are you going!?" You asked. "I have to see for myself! I have to see if Sayaka-" You then cut him off. "Makoto!" You yelled enough to make him stop. "I was there too. We went together... She's...truly...
dead..." You said. "None of us want to be here right now either." Kyoko said. "Then why are we here?" He asked. Sh-shouldn't it be obvious? Monok-kuma...he told us all to c-come here..." Toko told him. "I'm the one who convinced them to come. Right now we need to do whatever he says. We're his prisoners right? It's not a good idea to defy hi without reason. We don't need to make any more sacrifices then we already have." Kyoko explained.

Makoto then tried to say Monokuma killed Sayaka. You threw your arms on the air unable to cope with these people sometimes. Then Monokuma showed up. And they still were in denial. Then next everyone looked at each other again. Fear, suspicion and confusion. "Someone...killed someone!" Taka yelled shocked. "It is amazing what some people are capable of." Celeste added on. Then Monokuma explained what trials are. And the punishments.

"W-wait just hold on a second! You're freaking insane you know that! A class trial? What the hell is that!? I don't want anything to do with it!" Junko yelled to Monokuma. "Why not?" He asked. "Whaddya mean why not!? Why do I have to waste my time trying to figure out who murdered someone!?" She continued. "What!? Are you saying you're not going to participate in the trial!? Only punishment awaits such blasphemy!" He replied. "Shut the hell up! Say whatever you want, I'm not gonna be a part of this!" She added on. "Don't be so selfish!" Monokuma said. "You're the one being selfish! Kill whoever you want, it's got nothing to do with me!" She wasn't backing down. "The evil standing before me... I'm trembling in fear... But I won't give on to such evil! It's my style to stick it out to the very end! If you really want out of're going to have to go through me first!" As he said that he came charging at you all. But it was more of a waddle. Then Junko stepped on him.

"Are you enjoying yourself now?"
"Are you? Violence against headmaster Monokuma is not allowed. You've violated a school regulation. I invoke the mighty summoning spell! Help! To me, godly spear Gungnir!" He said. You knew what was gonna happen. And without think you went to try and get her out the way. While you managed to kinda move her out the way. Three spears got her. On had so much force it went straight through her and into you stomach. The ones that hit her were in her stomach and chest. You both froze in place from the sudden pain.

"Wh...? H-huh? This wasn't supposed to..." She then fell causing you to fall with her. And then she never moved again.

"What the..." Hina said. "I don't..."
"This can't be real..." You sled back so the spear was out of your stomach. You heard Monokuma talking but you passed out very quickly afterwards.

Much to everyone's dismay you did not rest. You went to investigate. You went to the scene of the crime, Makoto's room. She had a stab wound to the torso. You saw some writing on the wall. Makoto came in and you told him what you saw. "It looks like it says..." You started as you tilted your head. "It says 11937." Makoto said. You shaked your head. He's probably right. He already had done a lot more investigating and now you heard a familiar sound of bells.

"Erm, so uh...I'm getting tired of waiting. What say we just start. It's time for the long awaited class trial!" He then told everyone where to go. You ended up running into Toko. You have been doing that a lot. "Y-you shouldn't overexert yourself, y'know..." She said not making eye contact. "I'm fine...I maaaay have been stabbed but it wasn't deep. I'm not doing that much anyway." You stated. "Then w-why did you pass out?" "Shock. I tend to repress things and that builds and builds till it explodes. And in this case it made me faint." You both then made it to the elevator.

Everybody had their own seats. Or well more like places to stand. Yours was between Hifumi and Makoto. Everyone was arranged in a circle so we could all see each other. Monokuma gave a short explanation of the trial.

"Okay! Everyone close your eyes, and whoever did it, raise your hand!" Taka yelled. "Don't be a god-damned idiot. Why the hell would they raise their hand?" Mondo said. "Um can I ask you something Monokuma? What is with the pictures?" You asked. "I'd feel awful if they got left out just because they died. Friendship penetrates even deaths barrier!" Monokuma replied. "Friendship... penetrates...?" Hifumi muttered. Since you sat next to him you heard. Don't say anything. Knowing your luck the tables will turn on you. "Okay but what about that other empty seat?" Celeste asked. "Oh no reason. It's just our little courtroom here can technically fit up to seventeen people. Okay, that about does it for the preamble. Get ready to get started!"

You took a deep breath preparing yourself. Unlike most people here you were gonna contribute. "First up is the case summary. Now, let the class trial...begin!"

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