Chapter eleven

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Toko fronted by the end of the trial and you had to catch her up. As everyone left you asked her if you could stay the night in her room. She was shocked at this request but didn't say no. You both sat on her bed not really knowing what to do. She began talking about how you probably hated her and you had to shut her down. It's pretty much becoming the usual for you to do. She then started to let her hair down. You noticed it looked...well horrible. It looked like it hadn't been brushed in weeks! "U-Um Toko? When was the last time you brushed your hair?" She tensed at the question. "I haven't since I got here." You were silent for a minute before getting up. "I'm going to get something from my room. I'll be right back." You went and got a brush. You came back in with it. "I'm gonna brush your hair, if your okay with that I mean." She nodded. You started at the bottom of her hair and worked your way up. Well easier said than done.

"Tell me if it hurts." You said this because you were getting to the real tangled parts. You couldn't see the blush and crooked smile on her face. She winced once you got to the worst of it. "I'm sorry." You said. "No it's alright. I've felt much worse." You smiled at the fact she doesn't stutter as much around you. It took like an hour but you brushed through all her hair. (With a good chunk stuck to the brush) You had her look in the mirror. "M-My hair hasn't been this way in a long time..." You threw the leftover hairs in the trash. "How come? Didn't your mom or dad teach you how to properly brush it?" You asked. She pretty much froze for a second. As if trying to find an answer. "N-No. Neither of my mom's or my dad did." She replied. "Mom's?" You asked. She sat back down next to you on the bed. "Y-Yeah...I got mixed up at birth and neither of them wanted to take a DNA test so they both raised me." You hummed in respond. The nighttime announcement played. You both got ready for bed.

However you made a mistake. You asked Toko if she was ready to go to sleep and she said yes. You went to turn off the light. By the time your hand was on the light switch she shrieked. "P-Please d-don't turn it off! P-Please!" Your hand instantly left it. "Are you afraid of the dark?" You asked. She nodded. "You probably think it's stupid. I mean only children should be scared of the dark. Ugh..." She buried her face in her hands. "It's not childish." You said as you laid down on the bed. "Come on let's get some sleep." You said. She then went under the covers. "Goodnight." You said. "Goodnight..."

You hoped for a peaceful sleep but no. You dreamt of Mondo's death. How painful it was to be churned into butter. Then to Leon's. How he was beaten to death by 1,000 baseballs. Toko was a light sleeper and woke to your heavy breathing and occasional scared wine. She stayed still for a bit wondering if she should wake you or not. In the end she decided she should. She gently shaked your shoulders. "Hey...hey wake up." You woke up sitting straight up. "Are you-" Before she could finish her question you went into her arms. "I hate it here...I don't want anymore death..." She knew what the nightmare was about. She held you tightly. "H-Hey it's gonna be okay. I know what it's like to have nightmares that are memories and...I need you to know your gonna be okay." She hesitated at the last bit. Because of Genocide Jack she wasn't sure. She just hoped her past of only killing guys will stay the same. You both laid back down you still in her arms. You both stayed like this till you fell asleep.

You woke up the same as usual. It took Toko longer to get ready than you so you decided to go on ahead. You met up with the others as usual. "Today's count kinda sucks huh? Toko and Byakuya still refuse to show up..." Hiro said. "And I haven't seen Miss Asahina anywhere." Hifumi said. "She said her stomach was hurting so she's taking it easy in her room for today." Sakura said. They continued talking but what got your attention was Taka. He was...a shell of himself. That eventually got the others attention too. He hasn't said a word. Hiro said as the oldest he was gonna step up and take the lead. He said we should spend the day searching the school, as another trial, another area unlocked. And next thing you know...

"You called for me and so I appear! Genocide-"
"Ahh! Nobody called for you!" Hifumi yelled. "How come it's Genocide Jill and not Toko?" Hiro asked. "God this place is just AMAZING! Finally a place I can just be my murderous self! Which is why I've decided to stop hiding and spread my wings! No more hiding in a cave for me! Plus I have another battle to fight! The whole killer with a split personality thing is so overdone! I got to destroy that stereotype!" She said. "You are that stereotype..." You said sweat dropping. "Come on Mistress back me up here!" She said. Going over to you and hugging your arm. "So I'm guessing you both share emotions?" You asked. She nodded smiling. You looked away. She is cute when she smiles. "Well whatever else we do today, first we should eat. We can't do anything in an empty stomach." Sakura said. "You're right. Let's hurry up and eat so we can start our investigation." While breakfast you noticed Taka just sat there. He wasn't eating anything. While you were worried you didn't know if you should get involved. Yeah you talked but you weren't really close. And once you were done you went to search around the school. "Coming with?" Makoto asked. You nodded. You turned to Jill.

"SOI'MGONNAGOWITHMAKOTOBYE!!" You quickly said running out the door. You held his wrist so he could keep up. He heard her taunting you and laughing behind. You both ran and hid. You both than peacefully made your way to the third floor. You found some classrooms but nothing noteworthy. "So you and Toko huh?" You blushed the second he said. "I-No! That's not-" He laughed. "Don't worry I'm just mostly teasing." You both then went down the hall. Mostly...

There was a rec room with a pool table, magazines, a dart board and some board game. You went over to look at them when Monokuma showed up. Your first instinct was to kick him but halfway through you knew you shouldn't so in order to not hurt him you fell on your upper back. "Ow my god!" You said. "Are you alright!?" He said helping you up. "We've got fashion, motorcycles, martial arts, video games, all kinds of magazines! Oh but nothing dirty! This is a school after all. If you need a quick fix check out the swimsuit mags!" Monokuma said. They kept talking but you were to busy with your back hurting. You both left then made your way to the art room. There was a room in the back. But nothing that caught your eye. Makoto seemed a bit shook but didn't say anything.

You both then went to the physics room. You looked and saw Taka. "Hey Taka. Don't you think this place is like some research institute?" Makoto asked. He said nothing back. Makoto then found a camera. Makoto went to the backroom while you looked at...the...big thing in the middle of the room. "What even is this?" You asked. "Watch out!" You jumped. "What??" Monokuma as usual popped out of nowhere. "Want to do some quantum leaping?" You gave him a confused look. "That's the time machine! Pretty awesome right? It was designed by a student right here at Hope's Peak Academy! Although they don't go here anymore. They died during the tragedy." You were about to ask about the tragedy when Taka spoke shutting you up instantly. "A time machine...? Seriously...? go back in time...? Okay then...let me get in there. If I can go back to the past...then I can..." He started to cry again. "This time I'll stop Mondo for sure!"
"Oh sorry not possible. This particular time machine can only go back 1 minute. It comes in handy when you like leave your pizza bagels in the microwave 1 minute too long." Monokuma replied. "One minute...?" Monokuma looked confused. "You sound disappointed. But I was lying about the whole thing anyway, there's no such thing!" You sighed. "What?" Monokuma explained it's an air purifier. Taka then went back to the way he once was. Still tears on his cheeks but he wasn't crying anymore. His eyes back to their lifeless shell. To go out of your way to say something you know will hurt someone who's already suffering... "FUCK YOU MONOKUMA!!" You yelled.

"Come on we should head back to the dining hall." You told Taka. You wanted to wipe his tears but didn't wanna overstep your boundaries. You gently held his hand as you both went to the dinning hall. You thought you heard Jill's voice but you didn't bother to look back. Everyone soon met up. Hina was there too. So everyone talked about what they found. "You thought you could hide from me??" Jill said running up to you. "I'll always find you~" However Hina said she saw something like a ghost. 
Everyone decided to check it out.

You went into the bathhouse and inside am open locker was a laptop. "I thought it was broken." Makoto said. Sakura said Chihiro probably fixed it. Kyoko turned it on. And what showed up next was...


Toko Fukawa x fem reader  Danganronpa trigger happy havocWhere stories live. Discover now