Getting To Know Each Other

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This one might be kinda long
Ashleys P.O.V.
"Ashley can I talk to you alone"jinxx said "sure"I followed him to where no one could here us "why did you lie to Crystal?"he asked "I don't know I just blurted out I really don't want her to hate me" he thought for a second "what are you gonna do about her phone we kinda three it in a dumpster" hmmm "I'll tell her that her attackers broke it and that I will buy her a new one" he freaked "what If she asks to go home"I didn't think of that I kinda freaked for 5 seconds then said"we can tell her that we are in Jersey and we can't take her home till after tour and that she can stay in the extra bunk so that gives us about 4 months with her she can call her mom and tell her we saved her and hopefully when we get back we can hang out with her"wow I'm proud I came up with that "wow your a genius Purdy" I laughed . We walked back inside and find Me.Biersack straddling Crystal whilst tickling I jealous is that what this is does this happen when you get feelings for someone?
Andy's P.O.V.

So when they left I got up and hugged Crystal then whilst pulling away my hands gently brushed her side and she laughed 'so your ticklish"I said smiling evily "no why would you say that!" New fact learned Crystals voice gets higher when she lies "oh really" I say before jumping to her and straddle her to tickle her "s-stop" she stuttered out whilst laughing "I WILL NEVER GIVE IN" my voice boomed through the bus "s-stop quoting yo-your own s-song" the jinxx and Ashley walk in and Ashley is glaring daggers at me man I'd be dead if looks could kill.well technically for medusa looks can kill a-wait why am I saying this anyways-I quickly get off of Crystal realizing I was straddling the only girl ash has ever liked "geez you ain't as light as you look" she said "did you just use your ghetto voice"I laughed I think I might have to make wittle ashy a wittle jelly (in a friendly way) he needs to get used to his emotions
Crystals P.O.V.
"So guys I wanna get to know you for he real you" I state "21questions?" Andy asked "sure"

*skips To when it's the guys turn to ask her questions*

"Ok so we are dividing this into for questions per guy ok?"Andy said he got a couple a "Ya's" in responss "ok I'll ask first" Andy said 1)bieber fever or biersack influenza-biersack influeanza all the way 2)are you crushing on someone-yes 3)can I take you to dinner-sure 4)special talent-don't have one but people say I can sing "we are gonna need you to sing for us sometime"cc said surprisingly calm "ok"I replied cc was next to ask 1)can we go to the movies together-sure 2)last relationship with who what happened and how long-2 years and he was sweet but as time ent on he got jealous really easily and he wouldn't allow me to hang with my friends he always had to know where I was I snuck out without telling him once and then he started abusing me I would change my number but he always figured it out to call me non-stop his name is have and he went to jail for women abuse to me and he should be out in about a week he has been in jail for about 1 year 3)hobbies-drawing singing 4)favorite sport to play-volleyball and basketball next was Jake 1)favorite song by us-lost it all 2)instrument you want to learn to play-guitar 3)favorite youtuber- Johnnie guilbert 4)can I also take you to the movies-yes and now it's jinxx's turn 1) why do you where makeup-because I look terrible without it 2)will I ever see you without makeup-no 3)can I take you to dinner-sure 4)favorite soda-Mtn. Dew now it's ashleys turn 1)favorite flower-rose which is also my last name 2)favorite song- Gaurdian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus 3)can I take you on a date-of course 4)what kind of phone do you want me to buy you- I would like a blue iPhone 5c but you don't have to . And now I know the guys "so we all have a date with Crystal so we should decide what day to take her everyone's date starts next week and I'm getting Monday"Andy said "ok but my date has to be on Thursday"Ashley said "I call Tuesday" Jake said "I get Wednesday"jinxx said cc started to pout "but that means I have to wait the longest" "guys Crystal is redder than a tomato"Andy said which caused a reflex to hide my face in my hands "awe don't his that gorgeous face of yours"Ashley said which just made me blush more "so Monday is me Tuesday is Jake Wednesday is jinxx Thursday is ashely and Friday is CC find out where you guys are taking her you got all weekend"Andy said wow I have a date with every member of black veil brides.
Sorry if it was long I can't really tell I'm typing this on my phone so hope you enjoy this story I had to make a new account t because my friend who is no longer my friend deleted my other one

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