Moving To A New State

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Crystal's POV

So I curently live in Topeka Kansas now I know what your thinking where's that?? No one really comes to Topeka and I personally am glad I'm leaving but I'm also sad because I am leaving my best friend Andrew I never really was popular but I still am gonna miss him he was the bestest friend I could ever ask for. But I am moving to Los Angeles California to go to a college and we are also leaving because my mom also got out of a very bad divorce and-"Crystal hurry up were about to leave to board the plane!"my mom said "I'm coming I'm just packing my charger and art supplies and phone I'll be down in 5" anyways like I was saying before I was RUDELY interrupted my sister had been so awesome enough to buy me  some BLACK VEIL BRIDES CONCERT TICKETS!!!

The concert is today and I know your thinking but your in another state well it is currently 3:00 we are driving to Kansas city whitch will take about 2 hours and we board at 7:25 and we get there about 12:00 Topeka time and 10:00 California time and so the concert is at 8:00pm I can't wait.

*skip flight*

I'm in California and I Will tell you now it's so much better than Topeka "CRYSTAL,MOM!" my sister Priscilla yelled we ran to hug her and I am so overjoyed I haven't seen her since I was 4 my sister is 25 "Crystal I'm taking you and mom shopping we need to get mom some clothes I'm taking her to dinner and you need clothes for that concert" she said "your the best sister ever I can't believe you got me black veil brides tickets to see them live I love you so much!" Well you're gonna love me more I got you meet and greet tickets "NO WAY REALLY YAYYYY" by now I was tackling her to the ground and hugging her so tightly but I was so happy I got off and did my super awesome happy dance and people stares at me like I was pure cray-Cray "WHAT YOU LOOKIN AT!" I yelled to this lady that was looking me up and down when she prossessed that I had yelled at her she was in pure shock and then anger flooded her and she stormed out."oh Crystal you do know how to charm people" my sister said "Ya been like this since the day I was born" she just let's out a chuckle we walked to the car and I hugged my sisters husband and my 7 year or niece Valerie "Crystal hi!!!!!"Valerie said "hi Valerie nice to finally meet you and may I say you are more prettier than in the pictures " she giggles "thank you you're pretty too" she replies "why thank you my kind lady" I said while taking a bow

Ok so I'm kinda new to the whole writing stories so please give me a chance sorry if this chapter was so long I need to learn when to stop writing lol anyways piece and yes the picture is me

kidnapped by black veil bridesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt