Planning the dates

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Andys P.O.V.
So I plan on taking crystal to a 5 star restaurant called The Old Mill Inn I can't take her to my favorite 5 star restaurant called catch because we are currently in New Jersey and not in Los Angeles. I have it all planned out I pick her up at 7:30 then drive to the restaurant eat leave then drive to the park and sit in this blanket stare up at the stars until 11:50 I get my guitar from the car to sing her the song saviour then drive to the bus at midnight.
Jakes P.O.V.
Crystal and I are going to see the movie Annabelle I think Ashley is taking all the time her can to make his date perfect but he looks nervous maybe he's scared that she will like one of our dates better than his.I think that she is having a huge impact on black veil brides but mostly in Ashley she is changing him for the better.
Jinnx's P.O.V.
Since im taking her to dinner I don't want it all fancy our anything like that it's gonna be casual and we will just talk as friends I'm taking her to Golden Corral then I'm taking her to a really nice (surprisingly) abandoned kids park and I'm going to push her in the swing set like I'm the cheesy romance movies.
Ashley's P.O.V.
Ok so I really really like crystal and I want to make this date perfect but I'm terrified that she might like one of the guys date better than mine. Well I'm taking her to the fair that's here in Jersey then I'm taking her to Starbucks and sit there and have a nice conversation that is if I don't stare our drool over her.
CC's P.O.V.
Im taking her to the movies to watch the spongebob movie yes I am a child and I except it then I'm taking her to ihop so we can eat then we will drive around town so I CAN SHOW HER THE WORLD wow never thought I'd quote alladin im so saying that on the date though then we'll head to the bus to play call if duty then I'll beat her then teach her how to play.

Sorry I havent updated in a while ive been really lazy and busy with personal things but hope your wnjoying so far if you actually want a part in hear as a best friend or to become one of the guys girlfriends then tell me describe yourself qnd which guy and ill put you in except for ashley but ill put you in after the dates though because that would be awkward if a guy has a girlfriend and is taking another girl on a date

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