Chapter 28

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Willow placed Kyree down in her crib and watched her sleep for a few minutes. "Come on Darling, we have one more present to open," Owen whispered as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"What?" She asked confused as she slowly leaned back into his chest.

"We have a present for you," he whispered as he slowly backed out of her room.

"But it's not my birthday," she whispered.

"But you are the birthday girl's mommy," Owen said softly.

He pulled away from her and grabbed her hand to lead her back into the living room where the rest of the guys were cleaning up from the party.

"Oy, how fucking great was it that she started walking on her goddamn birthday?" Gabe beamed.

"I'm just glad we got it on camera," Victor smiled. "Those couple of steps were the best thing ever."

Willow smiled softly hearing them be as excited about her taking a few steps on her own like she was.

"Hey Baby," North smiled as he walked over and kissed her softly. She tensed for a slight second then slowly started kissing him back.

She still clearly remembered the day she was sitting in North's lap and started to reach out to trace his tattoos on his arm that was wrapped around her waist but then stopped and put her hand back in her lap. North grabbed her hand and placed it on his arm. She looked up at him confused and he smiled then told her to touch them if she wanted. She hesitantly started tracing them and he shifted her closer, so she had better access to them. Once she stopped, he leaned forward and whispered, "Keep doing it, I love it." She beamed and started tracing them again. Ever since then they learned she had a fascination with tracing their tattoos, especially when she wasn't really thinking about it.

It took her a while, but she was now okay with showing them any sort of affection without fear of rejection or yelling. She was worried about being clingy since she soon realized she was addicted to their love but once she brought it up they pointed out that there was fourteen of them so they had an abundance of affection and love to shower upon her and if one of them was busy there was always someone else that was available to spend time with her and they would still make sure she had alone time as well because it was important that she focus on herself at times as well.

North pulled away from the kiss and gently touched her swollen lips. She smiled up at him and he kissed her forehead. "Go sit on the couch Baby so you can get your present."

"Okay," She whispered softly and did as she was told. The guys knelt in front of her and each took a turn to kiss her softly. "What is going on you guys?"

"You know we love you," Victor smiled softly. "This past year you and Kyree have brought us so much joy that we didn't realize we were missing in our lives. We love this family we have created with you and Kyree and want to stay this way forever. Will you marry us Princess?" He opened a box that held a heart shaped wedding ring with fourteen diamonds surrounding it and the heart diamond was Kyree's birthstone.

She gasped and covered her mouth with her fingers. "Are you serious?" She whispered and they nodded. "Yes," She beamed and Owen slipped the ring on her finger.

"Now let us show you how much we love you," he whispered as he kissed her deeply. She let out a soft moan and he growled into her mouth. She smiled and kissed him back. She had finally learned how to heal and let love in.

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