Chapter 27

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"Oy, wake the fuck up Trouble," Gabe's voice surrounded her as she slowly woke up.

"What's wrong Meanie?" She asked as she slowly woke up more.

"Fucking nothing Trouble," he smiled as he helped her sit up. "It's Kyree's first birthday, we got a shit ton of shit to fucking do to celebrate. So get your beautiful ass up and get in the fucking shower. Marc is making breakfast."

"What?" She asked completely woken up now. "You want to do something for her first birthday?"

"Fuck yeah we do," he said shocked. "Why the fuck would we not?"

"Because it's her first," She shrugged, "It's not like she's going to remember it."

"You didn't plan on doing anything for her birthday?" Gabe asked dumbfounded.

"I mean, I have a few presents for her but nothing big no because it's not one she will remember," She tried to explain to him.

"But we fucking will!" he gasped and tried to get control of his emotions.

"You want to?" She asked emotional.

"Why the fuck would we not want to?" he asked confused. "We're her fathers after all, aren't we?"

"Yes you are," she said automatically.

"Then what the fuck?" Gabe asked confused.

"What's going on here?" Silas asked coming into the room with Owen and Axel behind him.

"She wasn't going to give Kyree a fucking birthday party!" Gabe shouted.

"Shhhh, she's sleeping," North said coming into the room.

"Ok everyone calm down," Axel said as he realized Gabe was getting upset and Willow was emotional.

"But she wasn't going to have a fucking party for Baby Bird!" Gabe gasped.

"I just didn't think we needed to have one since she won't remember it," Willow tried to explain. "And I didn't think you wanted to."

"But we're her fucking fathers!" Gabe tried to calm down.

"I'm sorry, I just thought you wouldn't want to and would be too busy," She finally admitted while looking down at her feet.

"Well you're goddamn wrong," Gabe said pulling her into his arms and sighing. "It's a good fucking thing I already got everything ready so all we having to fucking do is decorate."

"You did?" She asked shocked but he could see the excitement in her eyes.

"Of fucking course," He smirked. "Now go get in the goddamn shower so you can eat and we can get the fucking day started spoiling our girl."
She nodded and headed to the bathroom, they left the room and once they were in the kitchen Gabe lost it, "How the fuck could she fucking think we wouldn't want to do something for Baby Bird's fucking first goddamn birthday?"
"She obviously thought we were going to be busy and didn't feel comfortable asking," North shrugged.

"But it's been a fucking year already!" He groaned, "We've come so fucking far, I mean she has Mr. B's name and the whole fucking husbands comments she makes every so often, and fuck I mean we've gone through so fucking much. How can she not fucking realize now that we're it for her and she's fucking it for us? Of fucking course we would celebrate Baby Bird's fucking birthday!"

"She just needs constant reassurance," Silas shrugged. "But think about it from her perspective and everything she has gone through. We can say she's ours and Kyree is ours, but she really didn't believe it until Mr. B did everything he did and proved it to the courts. He proved it to her physically. We have said she is ours but have we really proved it? Words don't mean much to her, touch and proof are reassurances that she needs."

"She needs encouragement and praises as well," North pointed out. "Haven't you noticed how much her eyes light up when we praise her. I thought we had made great strides in our relationship with her this past year but she still has insecurities."

"Oh we have," Silas nodded, "She no longer has nightmares, she is comfortable with us leaving with Kyree on our own, she is writing and even playing video games without our encouragement most of the time, she willingly seeks out affection from us in front of others and in front of us without worrying about it upsetting the others. She is slowly voicing her opinion without fear of degradation or being silenced. She has made great strides but that still doesn't take away her insecurity completely or fear of us one day leaving her when we haven't really given her physical reassurance other than when we kiss her or hold her hand."

"You think we should give her the present tonight?" Axel asked.

"Definitely," Owen said as he typed away on his phone.

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