Chapter 7

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Lynn went to reach for the phone but winced in pain. It hurt to reach and there was pain in her chest. She gasped and Erica immediately reached over to her, "What's wrong?"

"Pain in chest," she gasped.

"Max, get Sean," Erica said as she placed Kyree in the hospital baby bassinet.

Max jumped down and went to the door and barked. Sean came rushing in with the rest of the team in tow. "What's wrong?" Sean asked as he started reading the machines.

"She's having pain in her chest," Erica said.
"I'm sorry it just burns and hurts so bad," Lynn whimpered.

Sean felt her chest and when she would gasp he would apologize, "Okay I think what is going on is the air bubbles from the surgery have reached by your lungs. I'm so sorry but it will just have to work it's way out on its own."

"It's okay," She gasped. "Just hurts."

"Squeeze my hand every time it hurts," Kota said as he pulled the chair up to her bed.

"If you are certain about the girls staying with you," Erica started to say but Axel interrupted.

"We are," he nodded and she smiled softly.

"Then you will need to go shopping," She forced back at smile when Gabriel's eyes lit up.

"For?" he asked excitedly.

"Tell them Dear," Erica said patting her leg. "I promise they won't mind one bit."

"But it's so expensive," She whispered.

"Trust me, we make more than you could possibly think of," Owen said softly. "Now what is it?"

"Tyler refused to buy anything for the baby," She said looking down at Max in her lap. "He said he wouldn't buy anything until he knew for sure it was a boy and if it was a girl I would regret it. I don't have anything for her."

"You don't have anything?" Gabriel asked shocked. "Like anything?"

"No nothing," She shook her head.

"What about for you?" Victor asked. "Like what about maternity clothes or anything you needed."

"I just wore his clothes," she shook her head. "He didn't like spending money on me."

"Oh Gabe is going to have a field day with this," Luke laughed.

"No," She shook her head, "We just need the necessities. Please don't spend too much on us."

"So you need everything?" Gabe asked, "That's what I'm hearing."

"No, we just need necessities," She shook her head as she grabbed Kota's hand and squeezed.

"Remember what I said, Dear," Erica said running her fingers through her hair.

Lynn closed her eyes and let out a slow breath. She opened her eyes and eye locked with Gabe. She saw the glimmer and excitement in them. She smiled softly and nodded, "Yes Gabe we need everything."

"Perfect!" He clapped and jumped up, "Let's go Victor!"

"Don't you think we need to know what she likes and wants first?" Victor asked.

Gabe looked at her and snapped his fingers, "She named Baby Bird after Kingdom Hearts video game, she loves your music and my designs and artwork, she wasn't scared of North or Silas or Nathan, she wasn't even scared when Raven said he was a professional Russian, she gets comfort for Kota, she is instantly bonded with Erica, her nails have scraps of black nail polish left on them, then we all saw how that asshole was dressed, so I am going with punk emo goth vibes, am I right?"

"That's amazing," she smiled softly.

"Do you have any wishes for Kyree?" Marc asked and she shook her head.

"I never let myself dream of something I knew I may never have," she barely whispered into Max's fur when he laid his head on her shoulder. "I always knew there was a chance I wouldn't be able to keep the baby so I didn't let myself dream."

"Oh Baby," North shook his head and hugged her.

"Well now you can, so what do you fucking want for her Trouble?" Gabe asked.

"Trouble?" she asked scared.

"You are the best kind of fucking trouble there is," He smiled, "I just know you and her are going to be full of goddamn surprises and keep us on our fucking toes."

"I guess we are going to have nicknames then," She smiled, "I better start thinking of some for all of you then." They smiled at her.

"Now what would you like for her?" Axel asked.

She sighed then bit her lip to keep a groan back and squeezed Kota's hand. Once the pain passed she whispered, "I don't know, I would like something that represents each one of you for her but I don't know just surprise me."
"Got it Princess," Victor smiled.

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