Chapter 26

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"Let's go outside and get some sunshine," Axel said as he watched her watch the animals out in the garden. "It will do you some good."

"Okay," She smiled up at him and stood. He wrapped an arm around her waist and went out to the garden with her. She sat on the bench, closed her eyes, and lifted her head up to the sky. "This feels amazing," she whispered as the breeze caressed her skin.

"Yes it does," He agreed while he watched her.

"You know what this garden needs one day?" She asked after a couple of minutes of silence.

"What's that?" He asked intrigued.

"A water fountain and maybe a koi pond," She said as she soaked up the sun. "Water is a very calming sound and it will also be beneficial for the birds and it's always nice to watch fish swim around."

"I know, that's why I'm glad I own the aquarium," Axel nodded and she looked over at him shocked.

"You OWN the aquarium?" She asked after a few seconds of silence.

He laughed, "Yes, Doll, what did you think I was doing there all the time?"

She shrugged, "I don't know just work there? I never really thought about it," She closed her eyes and smiled softly. "I just figured that was your business and if you wanted me to know you would tell me. I don't like to pry into other people's business."

Axel chuckled then went on to tell her about everyone's businesses and how they actually use to be two families but combined into one after they finally realized they hung out so much together they kind of already had formed one family but lived into two separate homes. They found their now home and moved in together and everything worked out just like it had before.

"That's neat," She smiled softly. "Can I come to the aquarium one day when you aren't busy? I haven't been to one since I was a child."

"Of course Doll," He smiled, "I would love for you to come visit me and look around. I know everyone would love for you to visit them at work. It would make their day when you visit."
"Thank you," She beamed.

"How about we go shopping for a fountain and once we find one we can let North and Silas know? They could figure out the foundation and pipes and whatever else they need to do for it. I already know what we need for a koi pond so you just have to pick out which koi you want," He smiled as he snuck photos of her enjoying the sun.

"Really?" She asked excitedly and he nodded. "Yay!" she giggled.

"What's got you in a good mood so we can keep you like this all the time?" Kota asked as he came over.

"Axel said I can pick out a water fountain for the garden and some koi for a koi pond out here," She blushed and hid her face in her hair.

"That's a great idea Ten," Kota smiled. "I don't know why we never thought about that before for the garden."

"Thought of what?" Victor asked as he came out into the garden, "There you are Princess."

"Doll thought we needed a fountain and koi pond for the garden," Axel smiled. "We're about to go pick out what she thinks is best."
She pulled on his shirt then whispered, "I want everyone to like it, not just accept it because I picked it out. That wouldn't be fair."

"That's a great point Doll," Axel nodded. "That means a lot to us that you are thinking of everyone, I promise." He pulled her hair back and tied it back with the hair tie on his wrist. "I'll go gather everyone up and then we will go out as a family, okay?"

"Thank you," she whispered. "Can I stay out here for a little longer?"

"Of course," he smiled. "One of us will come get you once we're ready to leave. Come on, we're going shopping as a family so everyone has an input on the fountain and koi pond."

The guys realized what he was implying and appreciated how she wanted to include everyone in the decision.

"I'll make sure everyone is home," Kota said as he pulled out his phone. They were so Axel let them know what was going on so they went to get ready with Gabe's approval.

Once everyone was ready Owen went to get Willow. "We're ready Darling," he said after watching her for a little bit.

"Ok Owen," She smiled and stood. "How's Kyree?"

"She's fine," He nodded. "Mr. Korba is putting her in her car seat as we speak and Mr. Lee is double checking that everything is in her bag that we may need." She smiled and walked over to him. He took her hand and intertwined their fingers. She beamed then lowered her head. He stopped walking and lifted her head. "Don't be nervous about holding hands with us, we all enjoy it."

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