Chapter 25

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The next week was a blur with her constant sleeping and being in pain. "Hey Doll, how are you feeling?" Axel asked as he came in and she opened her eyes.

"Yucky," she mumbled as she rolled over from her stomach to her back slowly.

"How does a bath sound?" Axel asked and she gave a thumbs up. "Ok Doll, I'll have Gabe start you a bath, okay?"

"I can't," she shook her head slowly.

"Gabe will help you and be a perfect gentleman, I promise," Axel said as he sent out a text.

A couple of minutes later, Gabe came in and headed to the bathroom. The sound of running water was soon heard. "Oy come on Trouble, let's get you in a bath." Axel left the room and Gabe picked her up then carried her into the bathroom.

"I'm sorry," She burst into tears as he sat her on the counter.

"What the fuck for?" He asked confused and a little startled by her sudden outburst.

"I can't do anything," She sobbed and he held her. "I can't even get undressed and take a bath."

"Oh Trouble," Gabe sighed and held her. "You are fucking amazing, don't you know that?" She shook her head. "You fucking grew a baby inside of you and then was fucking awake while you were being god damn cut open to have her and you even make milk to feed her. That is fucking amazing! You are sick right now and still feeding our daughter. You take my breath away with all the fucking things you do. You survived something fucking horrible and still are so kind to everyone. You find time while still writing your books and taking care of our daughter to spend time with every single fucking one of us. You are amazing."

"Thank you," she sniffled and clung to him. "I still feel bad though that I can't do this."

"Well you shouldn't," he said as he rubbed her back. "There is no reason to feel bad for needing help while recovering from the god damn flu."

"I hope none of you get it," she whispered as she snuggled into his neck some more.

"We are fine," he smirked. "Now let's get you undressed and into the warm bath. You will feel so much fucking better afterwards." She nodded and blushed as he started to undress her. He kept eye contact with her as he picked her up and sat her in the bath. She gasped as the hot water started to sooth her muscles. He smiled as she closed her eyes and just enjoyed the moment. He sat on the outside of it and just let her be. After some time he picked up the loofah put some soap on it the started washing her body. She smiled up at him gratefully and once it came time to wash certain spots he handed her the loofah so she could do that herself.

He helped her sit up and then began washing her hair. She let out a soft moan and he bit back a groan. Just as he was about to rinse the conditioner out someone knocked on the door. "Yeah?" Gabe asked.

"Food is ready," Brandon said through the door.

"Come get her," Gabe said as he rinsed her hair. "I'll go get her some clothes to wear."

"Feel better Babe?" Brandon asked and she nodded. "That's good." He helped her stand and get out of the tub. He wrapped the towel around her and then picked her and carried her into the bedroom. She was shocked to see that her bedding had been changed but she really appreciated it. Gabe came back with some really soft clothes and they helped her get dressed. Gabe combed out her hair then braided it. Brandon picked her up and carried her downstairs.

"Thank you," She said to them softly.
"Of course," Brandon smiled as he sat her in Corey's lap.

"We got you some egg drop soup," Nathan smiled as he put a bowl in front of her.

"Thank you," She smiled as she leaned into Corey.

"If you are feeling better tomorrow we can go out and try some sesame chicken with lo mein noodles and egg rolls," Owen said and she smiled. "It will just depend on how you are doing."

Raven picked up the bowl and started feeding her. She took a couple of bites then Kyree started fussing. She shook her head but Kota sat his plate down, "I got her, you keep eating. We got milk stored. You can pump later."

"Are you sure?" She asked as she watched him.

"Yes, now eat," Kota said pointing at the bowl.

"Yes Sir," She whispered then opened her mouth.

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