Chapter 22

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She looked at him with a blank look, "Come on Darling, I know you are in shock," he said as he gently helped her stand.

"It's over," she whispered as she clung to his jacket.

"Yes it is, now be brave long enough for us to get to the car, okay?" Owen asked and put his hand on her lower back. "Thank you for everything," he said to his lawyer who nodded and left.

The guys surrounded her and Owen as they walked to the Suburban. Once they got inside and Owen buckled her in he wrapped his arm around her, "Okay Darling, you don't have to be brave anymore. It's over, Mr. Jones is gone forever."

She looked at him and burst into tears. Owen unbuckled her and pulled her into his lap. He held her and whispered soothing words into her ear as she let everything out.

"Get us out of here," Owen said as Axel pulled onto the highway. Once she was able to calm down, he moved her over to beside him and buckled her. She laid her head on his shoulder and intertwined her fingers in his.

"Thank you everyone," she whispered as she drifted off to sleep. She felt herself being moved but couldn't find the energy to wake up. She snuggled into the warm scent of Irish Spring and drifted back into sleep.

"Let her sleep, there's some milk in the freezer we can thaw and put in a bottle," She barely drifted awake to hear, "She's been through a lot today. It was very hard on her in the courtroom." She drifted back to sleep.

"There you go Little One," she slowly woke to Kyree attaching and beginning to nurse. She shifted so she could latch better and yawned. "How are you feeling?" She opened her eyes to see Victor laying across from her holding Kyree in place.

"Tired," She whispered, "But at the same time I feel like I slept too long."

"You've had a very exciting day, it's too be expected," he smiled softly.

"I still can't believe it," She whispered. "It feels like a dream. He really is gone?"

"Forever Darling," Owen said coming into the room. "When you can, you will need to pump more, we used some earlier for Kyree."

"How long have I been asleep?" She asked shifting so Kyree could switch and finish nursing.

"A few hours now," Victor said softly. "You needed it though."

"But Kyree..." She started to protest.

"Was fine," Victor interrupted, "Kota held her while I practiced and she absolutely loved it, and like Mr. B said she took a bottle when she got hungry but we figured you needed to either let her nurse or pump and since she was starting to get fussy we thought it was best to let her nurse."

"Okay," She whispered. "Thank you for everything," she said softly as she watched her daughter nurse.

"Are you okay with what was said in court?" Owen asked.

"How did you come up with that so called evidence?" She asked confused.

"Some of our friends own the hotel so they were more than happy to provide proof of our stay," Luke said walking in smiling, "I visited your place and got the photos for Corey to alter to add us in them. Vic and Corey also did the editing of some of the videos. Erica and Dr. Roberts provided the hospital records and DNA test. Kota was able to get the notarized paperwork from the manager and bank. I also may have moved stuff around the place to mess with his mind multiple times and I was also able to follow him to get evidence of him doing drugs and audio confessions of him bragging to his friends about some of the stuff he did to you and admitting to just using you. I have to admit it was fun messing with his mind by moving stuff at your old place, Cupcake."

"Are you really okay with her having your name Owen?" She asked watching her daughter sleep. "I mean that's a lifelong commitment, what if you find someone else?"

Owen leaned over and gently kissed her on the lips. When she gasped he took her face in his hands and took advantage of the gasp by deepening the kiss. He gently pulled away when he could tell she was breathless and gently kissed her again. "We have already found someone, you. Kyree is our daughter and you are our One, Willow."

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