Chapter 18

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Willow watched the following days as the guys went to and from the house constantly. She wanted to ask what was going on but she was too scared to. She looked down at Kyree and sighed, she didn't want to lose this, whatever it was. She wasn't going to ask, she was going to put faith in the men and whatever they were doing.

"Doll," Axel said softly. She looked up and saw him leaning against the doorframe. "Do you need more water?" She nodded. He came in and grabbed her cup. "Would you like a snack?"

"Please," she smiled softly. He nodded and left the room. A few minutes later North came in with a bowl of apples and grapes and Axel came in with ice water. "Thank you so much."

"Here, let me put her in the swing," North said gently taking Kyree from her. "Why don't you go relax for a little bit Baby?"

"What will I do?" She asked confused.

"I have an idea Sweetie," Corey smiled coming into the room. "Come with me please?" She nodded and he helped her stand. She leaned on him as she walked with him. She was slowly getting better at standing upright and walking a little further each day but the guys were also making sure she wasn't pushing herself too much. Sean had told her it could take up to six months for her to heal properly with her fibromyalgia so she wasn't to push herself or she could do more damage.

They slowly made their way to the media room and once he helped her onto the couch, he smiled. He handed her the Play Station controller and she looked at him confused. He switched the Tv over and she gasped when Kingdom Hearts popped up on the screen.
"Kingdom Hearts?" She asked confused.

"Play for a bit Sweetie," Corey smiled. "You said you haven't played in a long so play while Kyree is napping. We can take care of her while you relax."

"But I haven't worked on my book in a long time," she looked at him confused. "Shouldn't I work on that instead of playing video games?"

"You can work on the book later," Owen said coming into the room. "Relax Darling, play for little bit."

"Oh show me what this game is about, Cupcake," Luke said hopping over the back of the couch and landing right next to her. "Please?"

"I haven't played in so long," She smiled softly. "I may not be that good at it anymore."

"You will remember as you play," Corey smiled. "Show us what this game is about."

"Well there's more than one now," She smiled softly.

"That's why we got all of them," Brandon smiled as he held up a bag.

"What? Really?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes Doll, now have fun, we will check on you later," Axel smiled and she raised her hands to hug all of them. They kissed her forehead and she beamed.

"So tell me about this game," Luke smiled as Corey sat on the other side of her and Brandon sat in front of her and laid his head in her lap.

A couple of hours later Gabe came into the media room, "Oy Trouble, Doc wants you to bring Baby Bird in so he can spend some fucking time with her during his lunch break. Let's go get you fucking dressed."

"Ok Meanie," she smiled as she bit her bottom lip, "Just let me finish this battle real quick please."

"Ok Trouble, I'll go get Baby Bird fucking changed," Gabe said as he left the room.

About thirty minutes later Gabe was carrying Kyree down the stairs and Victor was carrying Willow down the stairs. She blushed while in Victor's arms and the whole team found it really cute. "Alright, we are off to fucking see Doc," Gabe called out as he opened the door. "Oy who the fuck are you?" He asked to the man that was standing on their front porch with his hand up mid air as if he was just about to knock on the door.

The man was wearing a suit and there was a manilla envelope in his other hand. He looked past Gabriel and smirked when he saw Willow in Victor's arms. "Miss Williams I presume," He said with a kind of tone that said he was up to something.

"Who is asking?" Owen said coming to stand by them.

"You have been served, have a good day," he said as he tossed the envelope into Willow's lap then walked off while whistling.

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